Naive, But Not For Long. (SMUT)

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[requested by @
Yeah this is a Uranus x Neptune Smut, and no in this book they aren't cousins.
I personally don't consider them cousins because they are very similar but not related in any way.
If you consider them cousins it's okay, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable so keep reading only if you're comfortable with this :).
WARNINGS: oral sex, anal sex, overstimulation
Requested by @SaneNeptune ]


"Ugh, another day of me being... Well unfortunately me.
Saturn is talking with Jupiter as usual, there's no sight of my mate Neptune, I guess it's really just me alone." Uranus thought.

He grabbed his diary, he turned the pages quickly trying to find one that isn't filled with depressing drawings or doodles.
As he was just about to lay the pen on the paper-

Neptune:"Hey there Neighborino XD"
Uranus:"AH- Oh it's you.. Were the bloody hell have you been, mate?!"
Neptune:"I've been...*flashbacks of Iris*... In the Kuiper belt...! :D"

The cyan planet was a bit concerned, but he didn't think too much about it.
He was too pensive to worry about it.
Neptune:"You seem bothered by something... What's up?"
Uranus:"Nothing much, mate... Just the usual.."

Neptune:"Then what's that twitching thing between your legs?"

Uranus quickly looked down and then blushed crimson red.
"Why now..?! Stupid random boner!" he thought.
Uranus:"T-this is not what it looks like Neptune!"

Neptune tilted his head confused.
Neptune:"What do you mean?"
Uranus:"That I have a.. *cough*.. Boner..."
Neptune:"a what now?"

In that moment, Uranus realized that Neptune was absolutely clueless about anything even related to sexual pleasure.
Neptune:"Oh, is it something to play with? Or to eat?"
Uranus:"Y-you could say that..."

Neptune got his head near Uranus' boner dangerously close.
At that point, even if he was flustered as hell, Uranus thought to use this opportunity.
Uranus:"Why don't you go ahead and touch it?"

Neptune put his whole palm on it and squeezed.
Uranus:"N-neptune!~ Don't squeeze too hard...!~"
The blue planet nodded and squeezed gently.

Uranus let out muffled moans, Neptune didn't pay too much attention to it.
At some point, Uranus had to take off his pants and adjust.
As neptune saw Uranus' cock fully erect and throbbing, his eyes lit up.

Neptune:"*gasp* CAN I LICK IT??"
Uranus:"Wait, mate-"
Too late.
Neptune:"It tastes just like ice cream!"
Uranus:"G-Ah..!~ Mate...!~"

Neptune licked and sucked on Uranus' length like a real ice cream.
Of course, Uranus couldn't control himself anymore.
Uranus:"Nep...~ please..!~ I'm gonna...!~"
Neptune:"*muffled* Gonna what?"

He had Ura's cock in his cheek while he spoke.
Uranus didn't made it in time to warn him.
Uranus:"B-Bloody fuck..!~"
He held on Neptune's head pushing his tongue deeper.

The blue planet tasted the cum in his mouth.
Neptune:"I love this white cream! Can I have more?? :DD"
Uranus:"W-wait... Mate give me a minute..."

Neptune nodded and stayed sat on his knees for a minute or two.
Then he felt something weird in him and looked down.

Neptune:"*GASP* Look Uranus I got the same thing as you had!! XDD"
As Uranus saw his boner twitching, he blushed even redder.
He thought "How is Neptune so.. Big.. and he never even noticed his lower parts?!"

Neptune:"So what do I do?? How do I get my white cream?? :P"
Uranus thought for a moment, he could've just taught him to masturbate and forget about this,
but no.
He realized what he wanted and went straight for it.

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