Hey Lover, You Don't Have to Be A Star<3

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[Jupiturn first kiss, you'll be seeing a lot of Jupiturn in this fanfic, so get used to it bc they're my OTP.

This happened millions of years ago,
Also a little angst with lots of comfort :P]


Saturn was just standing in his orbit,
He didn't had much to do.
Then he noticed Jupiter, his beloved "best friend"...
He was gazing at the stars far away,
At first Saturn thought it was cute,
Until he noticed a thoughtful frown.

He decided to go talking to him.
Saturn:"Hey dear Jupi!"
He leaned on his shoulder, which made Jupiter gasp and blush.
Jupiter:"Aah!- Oh it's you... You startled me.."
Saturn:"Sorry heh... Are you feeling good?"

Jupiter:"I... Why do you ask..?"
Saturn:"You look worried, is there something you'd want to share with me?"
Jupiter was hesitant, he didn't want to bother Saturn with his thoughts and worries.

Jupiter:"...It's nothing important... Don't worry about it"
Saturn:"Jupiter, I can tell when something's bothering you."
Saturn got closer, his hands gripping tighter on Jupiter's arms.
Jupiter looked away, he was tense.

Saturn:"Jupiter you know you can tell me anything.."
Jupiter gave up, he couldn't resist Saturn's sweet tone.

Jupiter:"Saturn I... I was supposed to be a star.. Just like our sun, just like the other shining stars in space!"

Saturn was speechless, he never saw Jupiter in such a vulnerable state.
His grip loosened, it was more like a gentle caress now.

Saturn:"...Jupiter I-"
Jupiter:"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be bothering you with my stupid insecurities..."
Saturn suddenly hugged him.

Saturn:"You don't have to be a star to deserve to be loved... Not for me"

Jupiter was caught so off guard that a tear ran down his cheek.
Saturn stopped the hug just to look into Jupiter's sorrowful eyes.

Jupiter's first reaction was to pull him in for a kiss.

Saturn yelped at first and blushed fire red, but slowly melted into it.
Jupiter's hands moved around Saturn's body, starting with his hips, then chest and finally caressing his neck.
Saturn dug his hands and fingers in Jupiter's hair, slowly distending his arms around his neck and shoulders.

They stayed like that for a couple minutes before stopping to catch breath.
As they started realizing what they just did, they were looking redder than a red dwarf.

Jupiter:"I'm-... So sorry..-"
Saturn shushed him up with another tender kiss.
Jupiter never thought he would've had the courage to go this far,
and Saturn was enjoying it as much as he was!
He forgot about all of his worries and insecurities, and just kept kissing his now lover.

Saturn slowly pulled off the kiss.
Jupiter:"we really shouldn't be kissing here... The sun might see us.."
Saturn:"You worry too much Jupi..."
Jupiter felt awkward now, but he gathered all the courage he had to ask what he always wanted to.

Jupiter:"So uhm... Do you wanna be my boyfriend..?"

Saturn kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear.
Saturn:"You'll always shine in my eyes"
Jupiter couldn't contain his happiness.
Jupiter:"So.. Is that a yes?"
Saturn:"Yeah ding dong"
He chuckled, Jupiter followed chuckling too, tears of joy threatening his eyes.

Saturn:"Aww... Don't cry Jupi! You're gonna make me cry too!"
He said sweetly.
Jupiter:"Sorry..! I'm just very happy.."
Saturn:"I know you are..."

Jupiter stayed cuddled with his head pressed on Saturn's chest.
The smaller planet caressing his head ruffling his hair.
They stayed cuddled like that until they felled asleep together peacefully.

You'll definitely be seeing a lot about them soon.

Btw I'm officially their adoptive son

Btw I'm officially their adoptive son

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I luv my dads XD<33

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I luv my dads XD<33

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