Rocky Slumber Party

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[Heyyyy pookies :33
Venus x Earth x Mars fluffshot requested by Whitemoon_Wcue
I guess there are some adult jokes even if it's a fluffshot
I'm sorry if it took so long, hope you'll like it TvT
Humanized as always :P]

The rocky trio was just chilling, it was a pretty boring afternoon.
Earth:"I'm bored"
Venus:"wanna fuck?"
Mars:"It's not the topic for this oneshot, you gotta wait for the next"
Venus:"damn it"

Earth:"where are our poker cards?"
Mars:"The sun confiscated them"
Earth:"ah fuck"
Venus:"welp, we could watch something at my house"
Earth:"Oh yeah that sounds good"

They arrived to Venus' house, sat on the couch and started to choose something to watch.
Earth:"Oooh can we watch a romantic movie??"
Venus:"No because apparently we can't turn this into Netflix and chill"

He said with a annoyed glance directed to Mars.
Mars:"Hey don't look at me, I don't make the rules man"
(I do hehe)

Earth:"Mh how about that one?"
The terrestrial planet pointed at the horror movie with most horrifying cover between all of them.

Mars:"Isn't that a little... Gore?"
Earth:"it says 18+ and we're all around 4.5 billions years old so-"
Mars:"Yeah but I mean-"
Venus:"Mars are you scared~??"

Venus leaned on Mars teasingly, which blushed in embarrassment.
Mars:"No.. No I'm not! Let's watch it."
Earth:"You can hug me if you're scared"
Mars:"Earth, I love you, but please shut up right now..."

Earth:"Oh oh it's starting!"
Mars gulped in anticipation, Earth held on the blanket giggling while Venus just sat there with a nonchalant expression and arms crossed.

The protagonist just woke up to see a kid in front of her window.
Venus:"How the fuck did that kid get there-"
Earth:"shush Venus"

Actress:"Who- what are you..?"
Kid:"Do you recognize the bodies in the water?"
Mars:"Guys I don't like this movie.."
Venus:"Shut up this is finally getting interesting"

Mars was pulled in by Earth for a hug in the fluffy blanket.
Venus:"Hey what about me?!"
They were kind of surprised at that statement from someone like Venus, but Earth opened his arms with a sweet smile.

They snuggled up together in the the blanket, ready to continue the movie.

Actress:"Ho-How did you get into my house?!"
Venus:"That's what I was saying bitch"
Kid:"Do you recognize the bodies in the water?"
Actress:"What bodies-"

There were three bodies in a lake just in front of the girl's house, resembling her parents.

At that point Mars couldn't even look.
He wouldn't admit it, but he was terrified.
Of course the other two understood that, since the trembling was pretty much noticeable.

Mars:"Uuh guys I really don't like this..."
Venus:"You're such a pussy"
Earth:"Oh shut up Venus"
Mars:"Can we stop watching this movie?"
Venus:"It's literally been only 15 minutes."
Earth:"Oh c'mon Venus I'm not liking this either"

Venus sighed with annoyance.
Venus:"Ugh fine."
Earth:"Oh, how about bake something??"
Mars:"Mhm i prefer that"
Venus:"You literally only know how to cook edibles."
Earth:"but they turned out good"
Mars:"Yeah they were"

Venus:"I swear that if you set on fire my oven next chapter will be an angst between you and me instead of a smut."

Mars chuckled as he listened while he stood up and stretched.
They went to the kitchen and searched for a recipe online.

Mars:"Oh, I found a chocolate chips cookies recipe that seems easy enough"
Venus:"Lemme see that."
He grabbed Mars' phone, who started to panic slightly.

(What are you hiding Mars? (¬◡¬))

Venus:"Meh, it seems easy enough for you two"
He handed him the phone back.
Earth:"Hey, I'm not that bad at cooking!"
Venus:"We'll see about that.."

Venus:"Don't put so much flour!"
Earth:"Can we put strawberries??"
Mars:"It's not in the recipe Earth"
Earth:"How about cherries?"

Venus:"For crying out loud, JUST FOLLOW THE DAMN RECIPE."
Silence fell.
Earth:"Don't treat me like that hubby🥺"

Mars started wheezing in laughter while Venus just sat there with the most "I give up" look.

After a while, they finally finished the dough.
They put it in the oven and finally sat on the couch again.

Venus:"You two really test my patience"
Earth:"but you love us (。・ω・。)ノ♥︎"
Venus:"Shut up.."

They leaned on Venus, enjoying his warm atmosphere.
Mars:"Man.. Baking is tiring.."
Venus:"I literally did everything"
Earth:"I agree with you Mars"
Venus:"You literally sat in a corner on time out."

It was evident that they just wanted an excuse to cuddle on Venus, but even if he totally knew about that, he just let them.
Mars leaned his head on Venus' chest, and Earth on his lap.

Venus blushed heavily, feeling like he had two clingy cats cuddling on him.
He watched them slowly falling asleep on him, relaxing and slowly falling asleep too.

They woke up to the fire alarm and the smell of smoke.
They had to call Jupiter to extinguish the fire.

I am so late with all the requests TvT
Next time Vearth smut
Love ya pookies >:3]

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