I Want You Dead, But Only For Me.

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[This is Iris and Planet X first meeting, doesn't contain smut! Btw Iris will be Aggressive so know what you're getting into.
Cheers to 1MAdD1cT3dT0t3A
Humanized as usual]

Planet X was planning his revenge as usual,
He felt something behind him.
As he turned around he saw an Uranus sized planet.

Iris:"You're not neptune.."
Planet X:"No... I'm Planet X. I've never seen you before, are you a new planet?"
Iris looked at him with spite, he usually was feared and respected.

Iris:"I'm The Iris, I'm the eye of the universe.
I will rip your core apart and mutate you for the fun of it."

X looked at him up and down.
Planet X:"... Dumb."

Iris felt his pride hurt.
Iris:"EXCUSE ME?!"
He opened his shell as thousands of eyes opened on his surface.
X was unbothered.
He scoffed a laugh, he was fearless.

Iris wasn't taking any of this bullshit.
He wanted him to be shivering in fear.
He grabbed X's neck with his firm hand, ready to choke him and leave him to rot.

Planet X's breath hitched, Iris smiled.
He thought he finally earned some respect, not even close.
X laughed in his face with the little breath he had.

Planet X:"You.. Can't choke me.."
Iris:"What's stopping me?"
Planet X:"You know I've got n-nothing to loose... Killing me would be a favor.."
Iris gritted his teeth and grumbled.

He let go of him.
Iris:"You're pathetic"
Planet X:"Aren't we.. cough.. All?"
Iris:"Not me."
Planet X:"How do you know that?"
Iris:"I'm what mortal pathetic life forms would call a god."
Planet X:"And that keeps you from being pathetic like me?"

Iris rolled his eyes.
Iris:"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be with your solar system friends?"
He commented sarcastically.
Planet X:"Jupiter and Saturn ejected me from the solar system and made a fool of my very core..."

X answered with a dramatic tone.
Iris:"...Do you expect me to feel sorry for you-"
Planet X:"Shut up its my self-pity part of the oneshot."
Iris:"Sure sure..."

Iris scoffed a laugh, but then immediately regained his composure.
He wouldn't admit it, but he was amused by this new planet.
As he was listening to his yapping, he started thinking "he's so pathetic... Cute.."

As he realized, he blushed fire red, but he kept denying it to himself.
He started thinking things "I should've choked him earlier.." convincing himself to hate him.

Planet X:"They ejected me from the solar system for hurting their precious Earth-"
Planet X:"Yeah, the third planet from the Sun in the goldilocks zone-"
Iris:"I KNOW."
Planet X:"Why are you so surprised then?-"

Iris:"That planet needs to be destroyed. His life form is a plague."
Planet X:"yeah I dare you to try to... Jupiter and Saturn would never let you near their precious Terra.."
Iris:"You underestimate me. Which is really disrespectful from a pathetic being like you"

Planet X:"Yeah get used to it sweetcheeks"

Iris flinched.
Iris:"... What did you just call me..."
Planet X:"Haha, is Mr. Arrogance not used to being called sweetcheeks?~"
X leaned closer, Iris blushed and gritted his sharp teeth.
Planet X:"What's wrong sweetcheeks? Are you getting flustered-"

Before he could finish, Iris slapped him hard, leaving a red mark on his cheek.
Planet X:"Ouch what the fuck man?!"
Iris:"Think before you talk, fucking idiot!"
Planet X:"Rude.."
He rubbed his hurting cheek.

Iris:"Just tell me where Neptune is! So we can never see each other ever again.."
Planet X rolled his eyes and pointed somewhere in the kuiper belt.
As Iris left, X looked at him and whispered.

Planet X:"Goodbye..."

[TIME SKIP, I'm lazy I know TvT]

It's been sometime since I talked with that Planet X.
I can't stop thinking about him..
His stupid smug and his annoying laugh started having a whole new meaning to me.
He's so pathetic it's making me pathetic too by only thinking about it.

But I'm the Iris, I'm a senseless bastard and my purpose is to conquer the whole galaxy and show the whole universe how pathetic all of this is and how perfect a hivemind like me is.

How can I feel what the stupid human species would call.. Love?
It feels wrong. It feels pathetic.
I can't let this happen to me.
Then a memory crosses my mind again.

Iris:"You're pathetic"
Planet:"Aren't we..cough..All?"

The word "All" repeated in my twisted mind like a loop.
Did I really caught myself being pathetic for someone?
I needed time to think, this was all new to me.

I left my orbit, leaving muted neptune and my mischievous plans for a while.
I entered the kuiper belt, sat alone in the dark and cold.
I liked the silence around me, but there wasn't as much in my brain.

This is so stupid, but I can't get it out of my head.
His voice, his face, his surface, his dramatic yet fearless personality, it was all haunting me and I couldn't escape it.
I feel overpowered by this.
Why me?

Then suddenly I heard a familiar voice behind me.
Planet X:"Nice to see you again, Iris"
I opened my shell and threatened him with my eyes.
Iris:"Why are you here to bother me again?!"

Planet X:"Just saw you all alone and thought you'd needed some company.."
Iris:"I don't need you, I don't need anyone."
Planet X:"Someone's moody.. I don't mind~"
Iris:"Oh fuck you.."
Planet X:"Fuck me yourself, coward.."

I blushed fire red.
Iris:"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Leave me alone!"
X laughed and grinned.
Planet X:"Haha! You're so easy to mess with..."
I hid my blush and looked away with my arms crossed.

Planet X:"Well.. I gotta go now, see you around sweetcheeks"
He placed a kiss on my cheek before flying away.
I was left even more confused than before.
And certainly, even redder.

Is this really love?
The feeling of your core heating up,
Your thoughts filling with only his face and laughter,
wanting them dead.. But only for me?


This took me so longgg
Hope you liked it because there is going to be a smut part 2 of this.
Hehe get ready]

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