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[I love writing headcanons XD
Only fluff and angst, but I might make a smut version later on :P]

Ships: Venus x Earth x mars
            Saturn x Jupiter
            Uranus x Neptune
            Pluto x Charon
            Titan x Titania
            Titan x Luna(one sided 😭)
            Ariel x Umbriel
            Enceladus x Iapeteus

(Remember that this is just my personal opinion,
You are free to ship whoever you want as long as it's not problematic!)     

-Mars doesn't get flustered easily, but when he does he'll stay RED for hours

-Earth seen him get that flustered once and still mocks him for that.

-Venus would give the best bear hugs but never does.

-Mars never cried in front of anyone and he avoids any sad topic.

-In episode "Is there sound on Mars" Earth ended up falling asleep on Mars and they cuddled up together.

-Earth is multilingual.

-Luna knows Spanish and Earth is teaching him other languages

-Mars has the BEST music taste and everyone trusts him when making a Playlist.

-Mars is secretly good at singing but only sings when drunk.

-Mars is such a deep sleeper that he still wouldn't wake up to Venus' shouts.

-Mars and Earth have the DIRTIEST minds.

-Mars and Earth would do drugs but Jupiter caught them every time.

-Jupiter is a father figure to everyone (technically Zeus is the "father of all gods" so...)

-Jupiter and Saturn are married. Change my mind.(might write about their marriage🤭)

-The priest was Venus.

-Jupiter has medical skills.

-Saturn loves earthling jewelry.

-Jupiter makes biscuits for everyone every once in a while.

-Mercury has anxiety. Change my mind pt2

-Mercury doesn't like parties much because of loud music, but still goes only to be included.

-Mercury loves mlp.

-Venus can't handle alcohol. He would faint with only one sip.

-Mercury, Venus, Mars and Earth watched Steven universe together.

-Earth and Mercury cried, Mars comforted them the whole time, Venus still says that it was terrible even though he loved it.

-Mercury has hemophobia (fear of blood)

-Uranus listens to nightcore songs.

-Uranus and Mercury would definitely be besties.

-Venus has the worst influence on Neptune.

-Neptune ate an asteroid and almost choked on it.

-Neptune has tea parties with Uranus and Guillermo.

-Uranus writes fanfictions.

-Neptune caught Uranus drawing r34 but didn't understood it and just thought it was a nice drawing.

-Neptune is dyslexic.

-Uranus taught him to spell correctly words like "come" or "six" so that INCIDENTS wouldn't happen.

-Neptune caught Uranus crying once and hugged him until he felt better, they ended up cuddling.

-Titania and Luna would be besties.

-Luna still has a little crush on Titan, but he's still happy for Titania.

-Earth and Luna don't have any memories of Theia nor of Proto-Earth.

[That's all for now :P
I'll do another chapter if I can think of other headcanons TvT]



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