Reunited In Pain(3)

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Moon was mad. He felt like he could kill Titan with his bare hands in that moment.
"what was Titan even trying to do?!" he thought.

He quickly got to their base in the asteroid belt.
Thousands of moons all gathered together. As he stepped in, they all turned their heads to him.

Titan was shocked, and so were everyone else.
Titan:"Earth's moon?!"
Europa and Ganymede:"You're alive?!"
Callisto was terrified, frozen in fear as she thought "Oh no"

Moon:"Damn it! My name is-"
Titan:"Wha- what happend to you?!"
Moon:"I could ask you the same! Are you fucking insane?!"

Triton:"Hey, kids are listening!"
DS:"Oh I'm sorry if I'm trying to put some sense into Titan and got a little out of hand with all the stress I have in after stopping my planet from suicide and now having to deal with someone else's terrible idea!"
Moon:"thanks DS."

Titan:"Stop your planet from what..? Terrible idea..? What are you talking about?"
Moon got closer to his face, pulling his shirt.
Moon:"Don't play dumb with me!"
Titania:"hands off Titan!"

DS:"Who are you supposed to be?"
Titania was about to talk back, but Titan grabbed her arm and stopped her
Titan:"It's okay Titania, I'll just talk with him privately"
She sighed and nodded.

(whispering to each other)
Oberon:"See why long distance relationships never end well? Those two had some rough past from what it looks.."
Ariel:"Yeah I get your point now.."

Europa:"Callisto, IO... Do you have to tell us something?"
IO:"Oh that one time Earth's moon flown out of the solar system and I lost track of Callisto and when I found her she was already done with him *cough cough*"
As he finished he went back to play with Neptune's little moons

Europa and Ganymede were shocked and confused, they looked at Callisto who was completely petrified.
Europa:"Callisto... What the fuck happend?"

Callisto gritted her teeth, and then turned to Triton.
Callisto:"Triton, let's get the hell out of here."

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