Stitched Together Pt3 (AU)

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Before he could finish, the chainsaw hit him.
He let out the most ear piercing cry, a melody to ceres' ears.

He could feel his body giving up to the chainsaw as it cut him deeply.
Blood on Ceres' face, as he kept laughing like a freak.
Unfortunately, he was worse than a freak.

Of course to all this noise, even Venus wake up.

What the fuck is all this noise...
My everything hurts...
I opened my eyes, regretting it immediately.

Beside me, Mars crying and screaming as a chainsaw cut him in half.
And who was holding it was even worse.

My eyes full of fear, sadness and rage.
Even If was going to hyperventilate,
I tried to stay calm.

I tried to move, only to realize I was tied up.
I looked around, I had a knife near me.
It was covered in blood, I don't wanna think of whose could it be.

As Ceres' laugh mixed with Mars' scream, I grabbed the knife with my mouth.

I cut the rope, I'm not surprised the knife was very sharp.
Before I could notice, the room was filled with blood.
The red tint dripping from Mars' bed.

He kept sobbing and whimpering.
It was too late to save him.
But never too late to get revenge.

Ceres:"It'll be less painful if you stay still, sunshin- AH!"
I stuck a knife in his chest.

He fell on the ground.

I looked at mars, his insides showing.
His body still bleeding.
Ceres has been so precise that he hasn't damaged any organ.
I gently cleaned Mars' mouth from the blood.
I was starting to tear up again, before I could feel a sharp pain on my leg.

Venus:"Ouch what the fu-!"
I looked down.
Ceres bleeding from the mouth, holding on my leg, before I could notice the syringe causing that sharp pain.

My vision getting blurried, feeling myself losing balance.
It all felt like a nightmare.

I couldn't take it anymore.
I used all my energies to keep myself awake, but it was a waste.
I fell on the ground, hurting my head.

The last thing I saw, a grin. Ceres' grin.

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