Stitched Together Pt2 (AU)

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Everything hurt.
Even my inner core.
I tried to move, but nothing.
I slowly opened my eyes, everything blurred.

Ceres:"Wakey wakey, sunshine!~"
Mars:"wh-who's... Talking...? Where's E-Earth...?"
Ceres:"Oh he's not here, but you'll see him when I'll be done with you two!~"

I recognized the voice.
Mars:"You're Ceres, aren't you?!- AH!"
I let out a sharp scream as I felt a cold knife slicing my wrist.
As I looked at my arm, that's when I realized.

I was tied up to a hospital-like bed.
I started to panic.
I could feel my heart speeding up in my chest.
I looked around hoping to find something near to free myself with.

Instead, my eyes layed on two things.
My whole body was covered in wounds,
And next to me there was... Venus?!
He was tied up too.
Mars:"Let Venus go. Take me and do whatever you want to me, but don't hurt any of my friends!"

Ceres started giggling, always louder.
Ceres:"Oh Mars, and what would be the fun then?"
As he turned around, my eyes widened.
He had a chainsaw in his hands.

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