Mars' Obsession Pt2

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[Rick and Morty mentioned]

I haven't seen mars in a couple of days.
I'm starting to get worried.
He's not in his orbit, I asked jupiter if he's seen him but nothing, neither anyone else.

Venus:"What the hell are you searching"
Mercury:"yeah Earth, you look upset"
Earth:"it's Mars! I haven't seen him in days!"

Mercury:"oh yeah he's been missing since the martian thing"
Venus:"Yeah no shit Pipsqueak"

Sun:"what are you guys talking about?"
Mercury:"N-nothing Sun... It's just that Mars has been missing for some time now"
Sun:"what? I've seen him"
Earth:"What... Where did he go?!"

Sun:"he went over there! I spotted him carrying alien related stuff and I promised to cover him up from you guys!"
Mercury:"so uhm... You shouldn't be talking about this"
Sun:"oh. Well, too late now"

Earth:"I'm gonna go search him... See ya guys"
Earth:"i won't..."

(after a while)
Earth:"Mars are you here?-"

He looked around only to see a collection of alien related things, rick and morty posters, and Mars red from embarrassment, wearing a rick and morty t-shirt and shorts, trying to hide everything.

Earth:"What. The. Fuck."
Mars:"I-Uhm... I just.. Thought this stuff was cool..."
Earth:"Yeah, and Jupiter's a star. You could've just said that you liked alien related stuff. We all understood it. I'm just shocked you've been missing for days without saying anything!"

Mars:"I'm sorry I lied...i was scared you would think I wanted life..."
Earth:"You're sweet, but you have a problem. You can't just ghost everyone, this is not healthy."
Mars:"...Can I.. Talk to you about it?"
Earth:"You could've said that days ago"

They ended up talking for hours about aliens, movies and shows about them.
Mars:"I freaked out when Rick sanchez went on me in episode 6 season 5!"
Earth:"i know right?! Not talking about episode 9 season 4!"

They were talking and laughing like middle school girl besties.
Mercury and Venus ended up dragging them out of their new alien obsession.

[hinted Marth?
Is it visible that I'm sleep deprived? Hehe]

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