Stitched Together Pt4 (AU)

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He wake up in a white room.
Or should I say, they.
Vars:"Wha-what happened...? What's wrong with my voic-"
As they woke up, they looked at the mirror in front of them.
They were stitched into one planet.

Vars:"I'm... We're a monster!"

Mars' side was depressed, he couldn't stop crying, instead Venus' side was feral.
They looked at the mirror crying, Venus clenching his fist and punching the mirror.

They destroyed the mirror in a couple seconds.
Ceres was quietly watching from afar, holding on the wound that Venus made.
As always, he was giggling.

Vars was going insane.
They couldn't balance their emotions.
Mars was depressed, Venus was mad.
They were instable.
Just as Ceres planned.

It's been a hour or so, they were sitting in a corner with barren eyes.
Mars couldn't cry anymore, their eyes were too dry.
Venus didn't had anything to get mad at anymore.
They completely destroyed the mirror, leaving only small pieces behind.

Thats when they heard a familiar voice from a radio in the corners of the roof.
Ceres:"Look at you! Such a successful experiment!"
Vars:"Why?! Why did you do this?!"
Ceres kept chuckling, finding their despair hilarious.

Ceres:"For fun of course!"

At that answer, they grumbled like an angry dog.
Feeling like a ticking bomb ready to explode in madness anytime they'd have a chance.

Ceres:"Now, do you want to see your friend Earth again?"

At that name they fell on their knees
Vars:"Yes! Please!"
Ceres:"Then you'll do just what I say, right?"
Vars:"yes just let us see him again!"

Ceres laughed. Knowing to have done a good job.

Also, sorry I've been dead for some time TvT
Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it :D
I could continue this AU but it's up to you to decide.

Also, I have an unfinished chapter that was about new year's, and it was going to be a party with all the solar system.
Do you want me to finish it even if it's REALLY late?)

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