Truth Or Dare(2)

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[I'm warning you, this is probably gonna be the most jaw dropping and tow curling smutshot you've ever read, do this at your own risk.]

They were making out BADLY.
Eventually, they had to break the kiss to catch some breath

Mars:"i wanna mark your neck until it's more red than me~"
Earth blushed and nodded
Earth:"G-go ahead~"

Earth was filled with excitement from Mars' breath on his sensitive neck
Mars started to kiss and suck little spots on his neck.

Earth:"Ngh... Mmm..."
As Mars "studied" the spots Earth loved the most, he started to playfully bite them.

Earth got louder from Mars' bites.
Mars:"not so cheeky now, huh?~"
He smirked
Earth:"shut it and keep doing that..~"

Mars kept giving little nibbles on Earth's neck
Earth:"Mmm...~ Mars..~"
Earth's voice was deep with arousal for his partner

Mars got closer to Earth nude torso,
And gently started to kiss on his nipple
Earth moaned at the warm touch of Mars' lips on his hard nipple

Earth arched his back, shaking with pleasure.

Mars started to lick and suck on his nipple
Earth:"Aaah!~ M-mars!~"
Mars was a bit flustered from Earth's moan, but managed to keep his cool

Mars:"you're really liking this, aren't you?~"
Earth:"Oh, God yes~"
Earth said with a shaky voice, as his whole body trembled
Earth:"Don't stop, please~"

Mars had an idea to make this even spicier.
Mars:"Why don't we continue the game like this?~ But let's make it hotter..~ Earth, truth or dare?~"

He said as he was catching his breath
Mars:"Have you ever dreamed of doing this with me?~"

Earth blushed deeply, with a mix of embarrassment and desire
Earth:"Yes... Quite often..."
Mars kept shut, knowing to be guilty of that too.
Earth:"Truth or Dare?~"
Mars:"Dare me"
Earth:"share a secret about yourself~"

Mars:"Well.. You could say that you're not the only one with erotic dreams about us two.."
As Earth realized what Mars meant, they both turned into blushing messes.

Mars:"moving forward... Truth or Dare?"
Mars:"share something about yourself, that is not a secret but that not many people know about"
Earth:"I never had sex before.."

Mars:"Oh.. Well there is always a first time, don't you think?~"
Earth:"I guess so.."
Mars:"i might have just the right solution~"

Mars took out a bottle of wine
Earth was confused, but secretly intrigued
Earth:"is that wine..?"
Mars:"I dare you to have a drink with me~"

Earth:"Oh sure, I'll take a small sip"
As Earth takes a small sip, he is quite surprised for the wine to be actually good

Earth:"huh, this is.. Quite nice"
Mars:"C'mon drink some more! It's not gonna hurt you~"
Earth took another, larger this time, sip of wine
Earth:"y-yeah you're right, this is actually pretty good"

Mars took a sip too.
They continued to share the bottle.
Earth felt the heat spread through his chest
They leaned closer to each other, their cheeks red and feeling increasingly lightheaded

Earth:"Truth or Dare, mars~"
Mars:"Still dare!~"
Earth:"I dare you to finish the bottle"

The bottle was half empty, but it was still a lot of wine
Mars looked at the bottle and gulped in anxiety

Mars:"oh you wanna play dirty? Dare accepted"
Mars took a big swig finishing the bottle in one sip.

His cheeks were fire red and he was really dizzy
Mars:"see?~ Now it's your turn~"
Earth was trying not to laugh, chuckling silently

Earth:"I choose dare~"
Mars:"i wanna lubricate you for later~ choose, tongue or fingers?~"

Earth was super flustered by Mars' honesty, after all of that alcohol it wasn't surprising
Earth:"F-Fingers... Fingers are fine"
Mars grinned and started to unbotton Earth pants.
As he did, Earth revealed a hard leaking and throbbing cock.

Mars:"Woah... Someone couldn't wait, huh?"
Earth:"I-I couldn't help it, Mars"
Mars:"Don't worry, I'm here to make it even worse~"

Mars covered his fingers with lube
Earth:"Please be gentle..."
Despite the plea, it was visible that Earth wanted Mars desparately.
Mars nodded
Mars:"Here i go.."

Earth's heart was pounding faster than ever
As Mars' fingers slowly penetrated his ass,
Earth gritted his teeth, groaning in pleasure.

Earth:"Hnngh...~ M-mars that feels so good~"
Mars:"Tell me if it hurts, okay?"
Mars started pushing his fingers deeper
Earth whimpered and squeezed his eyes as he felt Mars fingers stretching him further.

Earth:"I-It hurts..but it feel so good too..."
Mars:"Do you want me to stop...?"

Mars was almost worried, and even if the wine made him dizzy, he wanted for his partner to have the best first time ever.

Earth:"No... Don't stop, Mars~"
Earth's cock helplessly twitching against his stomach
Mars:"if you say so.."
Mars gave Earth a little kiss on the forehead
Mars:"im gonna start moving my fingers slowly, okay?"

Earth nods, bracing himself for what's coming for him.
As Mars started moving, Earth shivered and trembled in pleasure
He said with a quivering voice, as he felt the lube spreading in his insides.

Mars:"We're gonna need more lube.."
Mars took out his fingers, covering them in lube once again
Earth:"yeah I know.."
Mars sticked his fingers back in, making Earth let out a low moan as he was stretching his little virgin hole.

Earth:"Oh Mars...~"
Mars tried to hit the spots he couldn't lubricate before.
Earth:"Hnngh~'re amazing..~"

Earth gasped while he started buckling his hips, meeting Mars' thrusts.
Mars:"Alright... That should be enough for now.."
Earth whimpered softly as Mars pulled his fingers out.

Mars:"C'mon, let's continue the game~"
He said with a teasing tone
Mars:"Truth or Dare"
Mars:"Tell me the naughtiest thing you want me to do to you~"

Earth:"... I want you to pin me down and fuck me roughly."
He blushed like a cherry.
Mars:"that's really the most dirty thing you could think of?~"

Mars said as he got closer to Earth
He looked away in shame and embarrassed

Earth:"O-okay, it's your turn... T-truth or Da-dare.."
He was stuttering like he never did before.

Earth:"I dare you to... Bite me wherever you want to.."

Mars grabbed his tights, making him sit on his lap, and whispering to his ear
Mars:"and pinning you down was the most naughty thing?~"
Earth stayed silent, breathing heavily.
Mars started chewing on his neck as he pressed Earth tights on his hard cock through his pants.

Earth:"Oh god it feels so fucking good...~"
He said desparately enjoying every second of this.
Earth:"You're driving me crazy..."
Mars:"oh yeah?~"
Mars kept chewing on the spots he knew Earth liked the most.

Earth:"Aaghk!~ nhhgh..~"
Earth kept whimpering loudly as Mars was searching for his soft spot, leaving marks all over his neck.

A long and high pitched moan escaped Earth's lips as Mars finally found his sweet spot.
He exclaimed before sinking his teeth more and more.

Earth:"Oh god I can't...~ It's too much..!~"
Mars kept sinking his teeth in, enjoying Earth's ecstasy.
Earth:"Mars... I'm, I'm going to cum... Make me yours... Please don't stop...~"

As Mars heard those words, he stopped.
Mars:"nuh-uh~ we are gonna need to keep enough for later~"
Earth:"But.. Mars... I can't, i need it..."

Mars unbottoned his jeans, revealing an hard-rock and leaking cock.

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