Mars' Obsession

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[I'm reusing old ideas TvT
I just figured this would be a pause from smut and angst.
This is pure fluff, No ship, maybe.]

Mercury and Venus were fighting like always.
Earth was trying to stop them, Mars was just standing there with his phone, enjoying the show.

Mercury:"Shut the hell up, venus and let me be!"
Venus:"Not even if martians existed!"
Earth:"Guys please-"

Mars:"wait... What's a martian?"
Everyone was dead silent staring at him.
Mars:"What? What did I say?"

Earth:"let me get this straight, my earthlings has been theorizing a possible life form on your surface from the 19th Century, and you didn't even knew about it?"
Mars:"No??? You know I don't like getting involved with your earthling stuff."

Mercury grabbed his phone and googled something
Mercury:"Look, this is what a martian is supposed to look like"
Venus:"You choose such a bad picture"
Mercury:"Shut it Venus"

Mars' eyes sparkled.
Mars:"Huh... And they're all like this...?"
Mars was trying so hard not to smile or to admit that he liked them.

Mars:"Well this is stupid.. I'm just gonna go... Not liking it somewhere else... Bye"
With that he just left.
Earth:"That was weird... I wonder if he's okay..."

Venus:"okay now, where were we?"
Mercury:"You're just insecure because you don't have conditions to sustain life anymore!"

(In the meanwhile Mars)
Shit shit shit...
I can't lie to myself, they were adorable.
I wish I'd knew more about them.

Jupiter:"Hey Mars! I heard some fighting over here, you okay?"(Dad attitude😭)
I was zoning out, so I jumped in fear as I heard someone's voice.

Mars:"Oh- hey Jupiter. That was just Venus and mercury, again."
Jupiter sighed.
Jupiter:"Okay... If you need anything tell me"

Before he could leave, I made my move.
Mars:"wait Jupiter!... Do you know anything about martians...?"
Jupiter was confused.

Jupiter:"You.. You want to know more about life on your surface?"
Mars:"Yes! Uhm.. I mean, yes... The green ones with giant almond eyes"
Jupiter:"Well that's a... Peculiar way of describing them. Why do you wanna know more about them?"

Mars:"just... Curiosity... Nothing else."
Jupiter:"mhm... Well I suggest you sit down"

(after hours)
Jupiter was surprised for how long Mars listened.
Usually his moons fall asleep after 10 minutes, Mars instead hasn't even blinked for who knows how long.

Jupiter:"You have a great attention span, Mars. That's something to be very proud of honestly"
Mars:"Yeah, go on with martians"
Jupiter:"...I-I can make some tea for us?"
Mars:"Just go on."

Jupiter was honestly kind of scared.
He just kept talking, and talking,
But Mars never seemed to have enough.
He was eager to know.

Jupiter:"Well, I shared all my knowledge to you"
Mars:"R-really? Nothing more? Not that I was that interested anyway..."
Jupiter:"mhm right... Well you can ask Earth if you really want EVERY detail"

Mars was kind of hesitant at the idea.
He never showed any interest in life forms.
He had some sort of "credibility" to keep.

Mars:"Well, thank you a lot Jupiter"
Jupiter:"My pleasure, Mars. See you around"

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