Reunited In Pain(4)

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(meanwhile Titan and Moon)

Before Titan could start speaking, Moon started yelling non-stop
Moon:"what was in your mind?! Attacking two planets?! Venus and Mars are terribly injured! You have to stop this foolish mess right now! This has gone too far, even for you!"

Titan:"wait wait, What?! I didn't knew about any of that! I never told anyone to attack them!"
Moon:"Oh, you didn't?"
He talked back crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.
Titan:"Of course I didn't! The plan was just to find new moons to plan something all together!"

Moon didn't want to believe him, but had some doubts now.
Moon:"Let's say hypothetically that you didn't knew anything, who do you think did it?"
Titan:"i didn't knew anything I promise!-"

Titan stayed shut at moon's intimidation
DS:"see that you don't need me to scare him"

Titan thought for a moment, before he slowly realized
Titan:"It must have been Ganymede and Europa! It couldn't have been Callisto and IO, only they have enough moons on their side to take down two planets!"
Moon:"and they haven't told you anything?"
Titan:"No! I swear I would've stopped them!"

The moon let out a sad sigh
Moon:"just please stop this mess... Please, this has gone too far.."
Titan:"I promised I didn't wanted this, Selene..."

Moon's eyes widened at the sound of his real name, he grabbed Titan hands gently
Moon:"i can't stay here for much longer, just please stop this.."
Titan:"... I'll reflect about it.."

They got closer, and placed a soft kiss on each other's lips.
As they let go, moon slowly drifted away.
He turned around to see Titan's suffering eyes

Moon held a tear, and flown away.

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