Hiding From The Sun

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[Heyooo XPP
This is a mercury x mars small fluffshot,
So no warnings :D
Requested by @calizsb and Oreosinspace
Humanized as usual]

Mars was in his orbit focused on playing solitary.
He was placing the last card until suddenly he saw mercury run in his way in panic.

Mars:"Everything okay mercury? What are you doing in my orbit-"
Mercury:"I MESSED UP."
He grabbed mars' coat bringing him closer to his face.

Mars was confused by Mercury's panic.
Mars:"Alright calm down dude, what happened?"
Mercury:".The sun was being annoying about respecting our orbit..."

Mercury:"..I yelled at him."
Mars:"...you're so dead-"

Mars and Mercury shivered as they heard the sun getting closer.
Mercury:"He's getting closer...quick, hide me!"
Mars hid the smaller planet behind him.

Sun:"HEY mars :D"
Mars:"H-hi Mr Sun"
Mercury covered his mouth trying to breathe as quietly as possible.

Sun:"I was searching for Mercury, you didn't happen to see him? (^ ◡ ^)"
Mars:"No.. Shouldn't he be with you?"
He tried to play dumb.
Sun:"Well he isn't! Thanks anyway( °∇°)"

Mars waved and sighed in relief.
Mercury:"Is he gone..?-"
Mars:"I think so-"

Mercury's grip tightened on Mars' coat.
Mars:"Let's get out of here."
Mercury:"Where do I hide?!"
Mars:"Let's go in the asteroid belt, it's the safest place for now"

Mars grabbed Mercury's hand and guided him to the entrance of the asteroid belt.
They adventured deeper in the giant
Mars:"We should be safe for now.."
awkward silence.

Mars:"Are you okay, Mercury?"
Mercury:"I'm sorry mars..!"
He sobbed and rushed to hug him.
The bigger planet was surprised by this sudden movement, but returned the hug.
Mars:"why you apologizing?"

Mercury:"I shouldn't have dragged you into this, It's my fault the sun is mad.."
Mars:"Nah dude don't worry, plus he'll probably forget about this in a bit."
Mercury sniffed and smiled.

Mars:"So uhm... Why does the Sun calls us with our mythology names when he's angry?"
Mercury:"It's just his thing"

Its been some time since they arrived in their hiding spot.
Mercury was starting to shiver, it was way colder than his orbit.
Mars soon began to notice.

Mars:"Are you cold?"
Mercury:"A little.."
Mars opened his arms offering the smaller planet a hug.
Mercury smiled and hugged mars.
Mars wrapped up mercury in his coat.
Mercury blushed lightly, but relaxed to enjoy the hug.

Mercury:"this is nice.."
Mars:"It is huh?"
Mars layed his chin on Mercury's head.
Mercury chuckled silently and snuggled up in Mars' arms.
They cuddled together until they eventually felled asleep together like that.

After a while the other planets started getting worried, until Jupiter found them and took them to their orbits.
With no surprise to anyone, Mercury was solar flared.

[I hope you guys liked this bc I think you will be seeing more fluff and angst soon :P
Btw today's episode made me have mixed thoughts about Saturn :(
I still love him tho especially in the final part of the episode
Okay bye now pookies(。・ω・。)ノ♥︎]

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