An Unexpected "Hang Out" Session Pt1

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[Heyo guysss
This was supposed to be a smut Uranus x Mercury chapter requested by kotLbozo but I wanted to be creative so you get a fluffshot and a smutshot because Ily guys
Other ships are: Marth
Humanized as always]

The rocky planets were playing space poker again, the gas giants were talking with each other, they were all out of their orbits.
The sun was starting to get pissed.

Sun:"ATTENTION PLEASE! Everyone gather around! I've got an announcement!"
Venus:"Oh my stars, what did Pipsqueak do this time?!"
Sun:"I said ATTENTION Venus."

He looked at him menacingly with a passive aggressive smile, Venus rolled his eyes impatiently.
Sun:"Since I noticed that from last time's lesson you learned NOTHING and kept going out of orbit-"
Jupiter:"Sun, if you're thinking of ordering us based by Size like last time it's gonna end very badly-"

Jupiter shivered at Sun's anger.
Sun:"We're gonna try something more soft! Everyone gets a day to spend with a planet they never talk with!"
Earth:"Sun, that's not really the point-"

Earth:"Yes sir roger that"

Mars and Venus held a chuckle for their own safety.
Sun:"Alright Everyone, So Mercury goes to Uranus' orbit, Venus goes to Jupiter's orbit, Neptune goes to Earth's orbit and lastly Saturn goes to Mars' orbit!"

They quickly switched, the Sun smiling widely hoping that they will finally learn.

Venus:"Ugh... Can't believe I gotta spend a day with Mr Smartass for your stupid space poker!"
Mars:"I think this is gonna be fun honestly"
Earth:"Yeah.. I'm gonna teach Neptune so many curse wor-"

Mars quickly interrupted Earth before he could finish.
Mars:"Earth behind you..."
As he turned around he noticed Uranus right behind him looking at him with the most hateful glance.

Earth:"H-hey Uranus.."
Uranus:"Terra I swear that if you teach even only one swear word to Neptune, I will make space ice cream out of your Earthlings."
Earth:"... Why is everybody threatening my Earthlings today-"

Mercury:"Guys let's just have a fun day together without fighting"
Venus:"Shut up Pipsqueak I'm gonna be kept on a leash by Mister father-of-all over here for a whole day, I don't wanna hear your stupid yapping too"

Jupiter:"You and I are gonna have a long talk"
Venus:"Okay never mind what I just said, just throw me into the Sun already-"
Jupiter ended up dragging him to his orbit.

Uranus brought Neptune to Earth's orbit
Uranus:"Remember Earth that I mean what I said."
Earth:"Aye aye sir"
Neptune:"It's so warm around here :P"

Uranus left with Mercury, still threatening Earth with his eyes.
An awkward silence fell between Earth and Neptune.
Neptune:"Woah! Who are you?"
Earth:"I... I'm Earth, we've talked before"

Neptune:"mmmhh... And where are we?"
Earth:"uuh... My orbit.. The goldilocks zone"
Neptune:"Interesting... And what are we doing?"
Earth:"We are hanging out because the Sun told us to do so"
Neptune:"mmmhh... Interesting..."

Earth:"You know what Neptune? Uranus told me to not teach you anything not family friendly... But he never mentioned other languages..."
Neptune:"What :D"
Earth:"This is gonna be a funny day, Neptuno"

Luna:"You're not gonna teach him spanish-"
Earth:"I taught you"
Luna:"Uranus is gonna kill you"
Earth:"Wanna see him try"

[Meanwhile Mars and Saturn]
Mars:"Hey man, it's been a long time since we last talked..."
Saturn:"Youre right my rocky friend, it's such a shame our orbits are so far!"
Mars:"Yeah.. So how's it been going with your moons?"

Saturn:"Not as I hoped unfortunately..."
Mars:"Sorry to hear that Saturn.. I'm sure you can fix whatever brings tension into the situation"
Saturn:"I hope so.. Btw I have a question for you.."

Mars:"Sure, ask ahead"
Saturn:"I've heard you and Earth are dating.."

Mars:"Y..yeah.. We've been dating for a while now..."
Saturn:"Ah... And how has it been going?"
Mars:"Pretty good.."
Saturn:"Well I'm happy to hear that, friend!"
Mars:"Thanks... And how's it been going with Jupiter?"

Saturn:"Amazing! Honestly, we're thinking of getting married.. But don't tell the others!"
Mars:"well that's.. Amazing news! I'm so happy for you guys!"
Saturn:"Heh.. Thanks rocky friend.."

Part 2 is already out, go check it out
(¬ ͜ ¬)]

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