sixty - three ; tell me you love me, come back and haunt me

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Ever since Puck, Rachel, and Finn had left Mckinley, Rosy had found lunchtime to be challenging. There wasn't a designated spot for her to sit and there wasn't anyone to distract her from the looks Tina would give her every five seconds. Usually, Rosy sat by Artie nowadays or Sam, but Artie had texted her and told her he was finishing a last-minute project in the library and she and Sam hadn't spoken since their fight at the election party the other night. So, Rosy went in search of the other glee members and found Blaine and Brittany sitting together at a table, looking glumly into the distance.

"What are you guys doing?" Rosy asked as she dropped into the seat next to Blaine.

"We're being miserable," Brittany responded, and Rosy frowned as Blaine nodded.

"Why, what's wrong?" Rosy asked, and neither answered, Blaine simply pointed over at a table a few feet away where Marley and Jake were sitting, eating lunch together.

"Oh, I get it. The sight of Jake makes me sick too. But Marley's nice." Rosy said, nodding thoughtfully as she watched the pair. It seemed that Marley had forgiven Jake and that they were friends again.

"No, not that. It's the cuteness of it all. And do you know who else used to be cute? Me and Kurt," Blaine said, answering his own question.

"And me and Santana," Brittany added, and Rosy nodded as understanding dawned on her.

"You guys miss them," Rosy said, and it wasn't a question. The pair nodded in unison, not looking away from Marley and Jake.

"I know how you guys feel, I miss Luke too," Rosy said, and Blaine turned to look at her.

"Did you ever end up calling him back?" Blaine asked, an eyebrow raised in question.

"I tried, but he didn't respond. He did text me though and said that he was busy, but he'd call me back later. He hasn't called back though," Rosy said, poking at her lunch with her fork.

"Maybe he got lost in the sewers and he can't call you back 'cause there are no bars down there. That happened to me once," Brittany offered and Rosy nodded.

"Yeah, maybe. Thanks, Britt," Rosy said and the blonde nodded. The three of them turned back to their lunches, but Brittany calling out to someone made Rosy look up.

"Hey, Sam!" Brittany called to Sam, who was walking by their table, and the blonde beckoned him with her hand. He glanced over at the trio and his eyes locked on Rosy's, but he looked away quickly before going to sit with Marley and Jake, making Blaine frown.

"What was that about? Is he mad at us, or something?" Blaine asked, but Rosy shook her head.

"No, not you guys, me. We got into a fight the other day," Rosy said, not meeting their eyes as she stabbed at her pasta again.

"About what?" Brittany asked, and Rosy hesitated before shaking her head.

"Just something stupid, it doesn't matter," Rosy said, and Brittany and Blaine both nodded before turning back to their food. Rosy looked down at her lunch too but glanced back up when she felt eyes on her. She locked eyes with Sam again and they held each other's gaze for a minute before he looked away with a small shake of his head that made Rosy's heart squeeze slightly.


Rosy was walking down the hallway to one of her classes when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket and she pulled it out. She frowned in confusion when she saw that it was Rachel calling her. They scheduled most of their phone calls so that they could be sure not to miss each other and also that they were calling each other at least three times a week, but this call was unscheduled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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