two ; push it

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"Hey, Mr. Schue!" Mercedes called, her arm looped through Rosy's as they walked over to their glee director, Tina and Artie beside them. "We were just learning some runs."

"Morning, guys. Let's hear it!" Mr. Schue said, patting Mercedes on the shoulder, and she pulled away from Rosy slightly.

"So, it goes, oh yeah!" Mercedes sang, bending a little and wagging her finger.

"Oh..." Tina, Artie, and Rosy imitated along with Mr. Schue.

"With the finger, huh?" Mr. Schue said laughing, while Mercedes complimented his run, telling him he was pretty good for a white guy.

Rosy watched Mr. Schue as he walked away, waving at Kurt, who was surrounded by football players, as usual, as he passed. Rosy's gaze lingered on Kurt and watched as Noah Puckerman and his idiotic friends picked Kurt up and tossed him in. Rosy glared at Noah Puckerman, and, just like she had the day she had signed up for glee club, had the urge to walk over to the jocks and give them a piece of her mind.

"Shouldn't one of us do something about Kurt? His bullying situation with those football dudes looks like it's getting worse." Rosy said, thinking aloud, and while Tina and Artie, who hadn't heard her, kept on walking, Mercedes stopped and followed Rosy's gaze.

"I want to help him just as much as you do, but it'll only make his situation worse if two girls try to help him." Mercedes said, sighing and Rosy hated that she was right.

"I'm gonna figure out a way to make his situation better." Rosy decided and Mercedes patted her shoulder.

"I bet you will, girl," Mercedes said, and she sounded like she meant it, which Rosy appreciated. "Now, come on. We should catch up with Artie and Tina." Mercedes said and Rosy allowed her friend to pull her away, but she looked back one more time to see Kurt climbing out of the dumpster, a disgusted and humiliated look on his face.

。.☆. 。

"Big fun!"  The New Directions sang and Rosy jumped out of the way when Rachel kicked her leg up, nearly kicking Mercedes in the face.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hell to the nah!" Mercedes said, causing Brad the piano player to stop the music. "First of all, you try to bust my face again, and I will cut you. And also, this song is terrible!"

"Okay, no, no, it's not the song. You guys just need to get into it." Mr. Schue defended and Rosy rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"No, it's the song. It's really gay." Kurt said and the others nodded along with him.

"We need modern music, Mr. Schue." Artie said from his place next to Tina, who nodded.

"I'm sorry, guys. We don't have time to discuss this. We're doing the song this Friday at the pep assembly." Mr. Schue said and the seven students' mouths dropped open simultaneously.

"I-in front of the whole school?" Tina stuttered, speaking up at last.

"Exactly!" Mr. Schue said, smiling at Tina.

"You're kidding, right?" Rosy said, dropping her crossed arms and planting a hand on her hip instead, channeling her inner-Mercedes.

"They're gonna throw fruit at us and I just had a facial!" Kurt complained and Rosy fought hard to keep from bursting out laughing. Sure, the kids in glee club were all nice, but they said the funniest things sometimes, without realizing it.

"I'll press charges if that happens." Rachel said, looking away from Finn, who she'd been staring at for the past five minutes.

"Guys, I can't express to you how important this assembly is. We need recruits. There are seven of you and we need 12 to qualify for Regionals. We have no choice or...the club is over." Mr. Schue said, his arm dropping to his side in defeat. "I know you guys don't like this song, but we took Nationals back in '93 with 'Freak Out'. It's a crowd-pleaser. Trust me. We'll have lines of people wanting to try out for glee club."

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