F*ck Him !

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Nam-soon entered his office and found him standing near the centre table.

' Files ' She said, without greeting him first.

' Huh ? ' Si-Oh was confused, she had never behaved this way.

' Files. The files I had kept on your desk , YOUR HIGHNESS ' She mockingly said and plastered a big fake smile on her face.

She had no idea why she was angry and behaving in such an odd way. She felt frustrated.

Si-Oh was amused at the woman standing infront of him : trying to list out all the reasons for her weird behaviour. His brows crooked, staring back at her.

What a day !

She looked at him, furiously and then the fake big smile was back on her face.

' I forgot something ! Please wait for me YOUR HIGHNESS ' Namsoon said and turned around to walk out of the office.

In a minute, she returned back with his jacket and waistcoat neatly folded on her palm.

' Everyone doesn't deserve your mercy, you know. ' She slammed them over his desk , the waistcoat falling down due to the impact.

Ah ! The desk. Last day !

' Are you annoyed by something ? ' he asked, putting his hand inside the pockets of his black pant.

' Annoyed ? Me ? How could I ? I can only follow your orders and be used when you want to ! ' She answered, mocking him. 

Si-Oh took a deep breath. Who would tell her that he had no intentions of using her for anything ?

' And when did I use you ? ' He asked, taking a step towards her.


She stopped midway, realising what she was about to say. Was she really furious because he didn't touch her ? No. That's fucking stupid.

She had never been this kind of person !

' When I.....? ' He bit down on his inner cheek to stop himself from laughing at the cute and half of his height woman standing infront of him right now.

' I swear to god ' She muttered, shaking her head at herself.

' You can swear at me. ' He smirked, taking another step towards her.

He was testing the depth of her patience.

' As if I can't. F*ck you ' She said in the lowest possible frequency and stamped her foot on the floor.

She walked by him, to pick up the files kept on his desk.

' What did you say ? ' He asked, turning to look back at her.

Her short hair added to her cuteness.

But no one had dared to talk with him like that since he has been in this office. He had people in here, nervous or begging for mercy. While she had been always in her own tune.

' Nothing ' Namsoon answered

' Say it, Tsetseg. ' He asked again.

His eyes involuntarily went down her back, to her lower body - the soft round curves making him twitch inside his pants.

' No ' She retorted back.

' Hmm..' This was getting interesting for him.

She picked up the files kept on his desk and walked towards the door.

But she choose to turn back towards him. If she was angry, she had always expressed herself. Let it be to her father, Mr Jun-Ho or anyone else. And he wasn't going to be a special case either.

Tsetseg was soft and naive but Namsoon was rebellious.

' You asked me what did I say. I said fuck  you ' She won the silent challenge he had thrown at her and looked proudly at him.

He shook his head , a light smile forming on his lips. It was not like he hadn't heard her in the first time - he just wanted to press her buttons further, he wanted to see what her limits were for him.

She turned back to open the door but before she could do that, there was a beep and the door was locked.

Namsoon twisted the knob, but the door didn't open. She tried once more, but the result remained the same.

She looked back at Si-Oh. The right side of his lip forming into a smile she was not liking right now. She looked down and found a small black remote in his left hand.

He threw the remote on the couch, his eyes locked on her.

She was starting to get nervous, her chest going up and down.

Was he going to kill her for crossing the line ?

Was he furious ?

Why did she act up ?

This was a mission. She was here as an undercover. She was not his lover. She had no reason to be frustrated.

But before she could run a thousand thoughts more inside her head, she found him gripping the knot of tie around his neck and untieing it. His eyes that were mocking her some seconds back, turning into raw desires.

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