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I watched him through the cracked mirror, feeling the chain of the handcuff press on my waist.

' I can tell you a way to arrest me. ' Si-Oh whispered close to my ear, nudging my neck.

I know, he could sense his effects on me because I was aware of how terribly I was failing in hiding myself from him.

When Hee-Sik had offered to join the investigation, I refused. Somewhere I wanted to be alone with him.

My body was craving for his touch.

I felt Si-Oh pull out my shirt which was tucked inside my pant.

He unbuttoned the last two buttons, laying bare my lower waist.

My hand was itching to grab on his palm and press it against my waist and may be some how he could have sense what I was desperately looking for.

He started to tease me, by rubbing the side of my waist over my shirt instead.

I pushed my body further on him, making him stumble back.

' Easy, would be wifey ' He said.




It took some seconds for me to register what he had said but I couldn't push him back due to the chain around me.

'What the fuck do you mean ? ' I asked, my heart racing like a wild horse inside my body.

Did I wanted to marry him ?

Or was I furious because a criminal had put forth a deal of marriage with me ?!

' Hmmm... ' His vocal cords vibrated, and I was so sensitive right now I could even feel that.

He tucked apart the opened part of my shirt and slowly caressed my waist with his thumb.

My breath hitched.

No. I am suppose to put him back on his place for having the audacity to call me as his wife.

He pressed his thumb over my navel and my body arched over his, my head resting over his shoulder.

' There is a notebook. ' He whispered, while his thumb kept ascending slowly towards my breast.

' Red book. '

' If you get that, you can arrest me and half of the directors of Pavel. ' He continued, pushing his thumb inside my bra and rubbed the lower part of my breast.

He slowly pushed his entire palm through the elastic of my bra, straining it against my chest.

I started to feel suffocated.

Si-Oh picked my nipple and twirled it between his finger, sending a kind of pleasurable pain through out my entire body.

He pulled my nipple and followed it by a strong squeezing my breast.

' Ahhh ' I couldn't stop myself from moaning.

Involuntarily, I pressed my lower body on him, his erection pressing on my back.

I could feel a wet sensation between my legs.

He laid his palm flat on my breast and was watching me through the mirror.

I was squeezing my glutes together, rubbing my thighs against each other to erase the burn between my legs but the situation got worse with each futile attempt.

' Turn around. I want to kiss you. ' He said, his eyes going down to my lips through the reflection in mirror.

I was feeling so timid right now. It was as if I was never trained to get out of such situation. As if this was my first mission.

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