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Si-Oh sat in the room, leaning back into the wall - looking around him - the walls coated in blue paint. A chunk of the paint hanging from the wall on his right side.

He chuckled.

None of the documents they had found from the laboratory or his office had his name. He never had prepared any document which could get him arrested, except for the red book which if he does not want, no one will be able to find it. All it would take for him to get out of here, is one call right now.

But she is here, some where in this premises. She will be the one who will interrogate him which means frequent interaction. Also, there is someone who wants her dead and this was more than enough to make him sleep in this trash.

He took a deep breath, the stale air filling up his nostrils. Oddly, despite being in the prison - his soul was at peace, like a bird who had been flying restlessly for days, now was resting in it's nest. He closed his eyes, slowly drifting into the much needed sleep he never had in past six months.

Morning shifted into noon, as the clock ticked past two and Namsoon walked into the prison, holding a thick file in her left hand . She unlocked the door of his room, the metal screeching against the floor as she opened it. He opened his eyes, finding her standing infront of him. He stretched his body, rubbing his eyes to get off the drowsiness.

'Get up' She ordered, keeping the file on the small wooden table in the room.

He looked at her and mockingly laughed at her. She was the only one, allowed to order him. He got up, standing an inch away from her and she stepped back, nervous of his presence.

The tension between them getting notch higher by each passing second as they stood alone in the room.

' Yes...' He said taking a step towards her.

'....Madam' She took a step back to maintain the distance, her heart pounding inside her chest. He grabbed on her hand and pulled her back. She stumbled over him.

Si-Oh twisted her hand , holding them behind her and pushed Namsoon further into him.

' Let me go. ' She said, her voice faltering here and there giving away his effect on her.

He looked into her eyes, a mixture of rage and desires looking back at him. Similar emotions flowing in him. Rage because he suffered for no reason in the past six months and desires, which he could never control around her. 

Si-Oh looked down at her soft pinkish lips which was parted slightly,  the need to rub his thumb over them flowing through him.

' Kiss me ' He said, his eyes taking up the darkest shade as he was close to losing control over himself.

' Never. ' Namsoon retorted back, squirming in his tight hole to get out of it. He chuckled.

' Why didn't you tell me you were alive ? ' He asked softly. He shifted and held both of her hand with his right one.

He kept looking at her lips, caressing her lower one with his thumb now. She shuddered in his arms.

' Mr. Ryu le...let me go ' She said, trying to project it as an order.

' Hmm...' He groaned, pushing her arms over her back which crashed her lower body over his.

His caressed the skin underneath her lip and slowly crawled down her neck, softly rubbing the tanned skin of her chest.

Her breath hitched, her heart thumping loudly under his thumb.

He pressed his thumb over her skin, feeling her heart beat.

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