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Namsoon walked out his cell, still feeling his touch on every part of her body and simultaneously, frustrated about being cornered by a criminal.

She pushed open the door of the washroom and walked in, her eyes falling on her reflection in the mirror.

Her shirt tucked out of her pant, creased in the lower part.

She rubbed her thumb over her swollen lips which had turn red. She could still feel his lips over them.

Namsoon grabbed on the counter of the basin , trying to control her thoughts but her eyes fell on the wet stain over her breast which was slowly drying up.

' Arghhh ! Get off my fucking mind !! ' She said, smashing the file over the counter.

Namsoon opened up the tap and splashed water on her face, some of it flowing down her neck.

She pulled out the napkin from her pocket and wiped her face dry.

She picked up the file and walked out the washroom.

As she was passing by, she saw an officer guarding his cell which was quite normal when there was a high profile criminal.

Namsoon walked away.

She will interrogate him next morning.


Si-Oh was laying down and looking out of the shabby window.

The sky was devoid of moon tonight.

He was waiting for the clock to strike two.

He wouldn't have planned his escape tonight, if his secret investigator wouldn't have told him about the man who had tried to murder Namsoon.

The small piece of paper was still lying in his pocket with only two word : ' Namsoon's murderer '

He had fifteen minutes left.

Si-Oh coughed loudly and continuously till the officer guarding his cell peeped in through the iron bars.

' Yes ? ' The officer asked.

' Can I have a glass of water ? ' Si-Oh asked, coughing.

The officer walked away to fetch a glass of water and a minute later, came back with a steel glass filled with water.

He unlocked the door and passed the glass of water to Si-Oh.

Si-Oh took the glass and the officer walked out, locking the door behind him.

Si-Oh looked inside the glass and there was a small transparent bottle of acid.

He looked back at the window and smiled.

It was his natural instinct - to look for every possible escape when he would step inside a room.

Si-Oh knew Namsoon had locked him in this shabby cell for a reason. She wanted to mentally torture him and make him confess. But while hyper focusing on the confession, what she forgot to notice was this cell was in the third floor. It was empty floor and his cell was at the end of corridor. The wall was falling off, so was the iron grill covering the window - they were rusted and thinning. And there was a pipe running down just a feet away from his window.

Si-Oh walked towards the window, opening the lid of the container.

He scrunched the lower part of his shirt into a ball and pulled up to cover his nose.

Si-Oh slowly poured the acid over the ends of three iron bars.

The metal started to melt away furiously.

Five minutes passed away and the bars were finally free from the one end.

Si-Oh pressed the bars outward and all of them bended from the upper end. The window was open.

The officer knocked once on the door, softly - notifying the clock has strike two.

Si-Oh took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He had been into some really nasty situation, but escaping from a prison was his first.

He was a bit nervous despite the preparation of a potential escape was done years back, when he had decided to open up his office in this province.

And as a result of his foresightedness, the surveillance right now has been shut for five minutes and the officers in this part of the prison was sleeping soundly.

Si-Oh climbed out of the window, tightly gribbing on the pipe.

He slowly glided down, using both of his feet as an anchor on the pipe.

Third floor.

Second floor.

First floor.

His feet finally touched the soft grass and he sighed. His muscles were cramped in pain.

Si-Oh shook his legs and arms to release the pain.

He looked at his right and then towards his left, that's when he found Namsoon snoring softly on a bench far away from him.

He didn't had to stand close by her to realise it was her.

He knew.

He stood there, looking at her face - soft and beautiful like a recently bloomed flower.

She was the reason behind both the chaos and peace in his life. And each time he looked at her, he would wish for her to be in his life in his every birth.

If it was anything else, he might have thought logically, regretted for choosing it and landing in a prison because of it but he never had any regret about Namsoon.

He looked at her hair falling over half of her face. He wanted to tuck those strand behind her ear. He wanted to hug her. Marry her even if he was being a selfish fucker.

Si-Oh mindlessly took a step towards her and then a second step, forgetting where he was.

The man from the other side of fence, flashed a torchlight over Si-Oh's face bringing him back to the reality.

Si-Oh blinked his eyes as the light blinded him.

He opened his eyes and took a deep breath, looking at Namsoon for one last time and then he looked at the fence.

The man waved at Si-Oh and he signalled him with a thumbs up.

Si-Oh ran towards the fence, he had only thirty seconds before the surveillance would be restored.

He reached the fence by no time and crawled out of it, his shirt getting stuck in one of the blunt corner. The shirt tore apart as Si-Oh got out and he turned back to rip off the torn part of his shirt from the fence.

The man took the driver seat and drived the car towards Si-Oh.

He got inside the car and shut the door. The man accelerated the car down the door while Si-Oh didn't fail to have another glance towards the bench where Namsoon was sleeping, only her back was visible this time. He silently wished for her not to catch a cold as she was sleeping under an open sky without any blanket. 

The car took a sharp turn and it was out of the surveillance area and just in that moment, the cameras were back to functioning again.

Both Si-Oh and the man sighed deeply, their heart still racing due to the adrenaline rush.

They smiled at each other, bumping their fist.


Want some angst in the next part ? Both of them equally pissed at each other ?  🤭

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