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Si-Oh stepped in the laboratory and as he was about to put the card back in his wallet - his phone vibrated inside the pocket of his pant. He pulled it out.

'Driver' flashing on the screen.

Si-Oh seem to be confused because it's rare to see them calling him. Before he could answer the call, it ended.

He shook his head, taking it as a mistake  from their side.

Si-Oh walked in the laboratory and the smell of medicine hit his nostril, making him scrunch his nose in disgust. This is why it was always Alex, handling the work of Retsen. And his direct recruitment from Pavel, turned the possibility of him ruining it into nil.

But now, the situation has changed. And he had to step in, personally.

The head researcher, Mrs Yoon was passing by with a thick file in her hand but stopped when she spotted him. She was the only one to know him while the rest of laboratory staffs, consisting of other six members remained focused on their work.

She kept the file on the table by her side and walked towards Si-Oh, bowing to him.

She knew the potential of Retsen , because she was in the charge to engineer it. The drug would be dispatched to the night clubs this month, just before the election is only three months away. 

The thought of young kids, being at the centre of this looming havoc made her heart pain for them but the chain around her neck with the locket holding the picture of her two dead babies was more than enough to push her through the guilt.

Three years back, the presiding health minister's laughter in his office because she had filed a case against his son, the supreme court dismissing the case as false which had clear evidence of over speeding and neglect, random people blaming her in social platforms for not taking care of her kids, a false case on her for child abuse - one after another blow and she ended up losing her husband too.

Now, there was nothing for her to be afraid of.

She was never a monster, but she was made to be one.

' How is the project heading, Mrs.Yoon ? ' Si-Oh asked. He was the one who had directly recruited her, keeping a close watch on her and the case three years back.

Nothing could be as deadlier as a wounded mother. He had more trust in Mrs.Yoon , than he had in Alex about Retsen. She was the first member and later, she formed the rest of team.

Each one of them having a deep wrath against the government.

' It's good. We are in the last stage, Sir. ' She answered, her voice as non-chalant and chilling as him.

Each time, Si-Oh would come across her and look into her eyes which would mimic that of a corpse now - he had to think, how gruesome the pain of losing a child is. 

' If anything goes wr.....' He couldn't complete his sentence and she counter him back.

' Nothing will go wrong. '

Si-Oh looked at her for a minute, a deadly silence replacing the conversation and then he nodded his head at her.

' Get back to work. ' He ordered and turned around half way, when his eyes fell on the woman standing at the farthest corner of the laboratory - her back facing him, flipping through the pages of a file.

Her hair gently blowing due to air conditioner by her right side.

Just like when she fell asleep on her desk.

His heart started to beat furiously against his chest, which had been feeling like a dead space past six months.

He couldn't move his eyes off her. He couldn't move his feet. He felt stuck in the spot as a lone tear rolled down his cheek.

It didn't miss Mrs. Yoon eyes and she was amazed to suddenly see him vulnerable like this.

' Namsoon ' He slowly whispered, his voice getting stuck in his throat at the pronunciation of every letter in her name.

The memories of a bullet piercing her neck and how she bled profusely in his arm till she entered the operation theatre. Screaming her name, threating the surgeon and hospital, praying which he had never done before for anyone - nothing could get her out of the crucial forty eight hours, alive.

Since then he had search for her presence, her scent, even for a strand of her hair on his sofa. He had started hallucinating about her in his house just to feel her around him.

But, as he had stepped in this building - he has been feeling odd. As if everything was on the verge to flip for him.

His eyes were fixed on this woman now, who had picked up another file.

' I will call her for you, Sir. ' Mrs. Yoon said.

Si-Oh nodded and she headed towards her.

His eyes started to descend down her body, every part of it seem to be familiar to him. The nerves flowing through his body felt like they were burning again.

Namsoon. His heart called for her again.

But the dust on the left side of her white coat caught his attention, snatching him out of his dream.

Si-Oh couldn't get into his analysis though because his heart was slamming inside him once again as Mrs. Yoon called her name.

The woman slowly turned around, holding the file in her hand and everything came to halt.

Even his breath.

Minutes passed by and then his mouth started to whisper her name, involuntarily. 




Before he could sense something other than his racing heart and Namsoon, the door of the laboratory opened once again and national security forces dressed in black, barged in - rifles pointed at every direction while five of them focused on Si-Oh's back.


Author :

Going to compensate and wrap up the story by this week. Hold into your seat. Y'all are in for some sizzling angst !

Then I will bring up a historical drama between a tawaif ( Indian courtesan ) and a King from June. A historical romance universe. I have this inside my head for almost five months.

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