Not a proposal.

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The clock was striking at seven in morning, when Namsoon pushed Si-Oh back in the cell.

A handcuffed half naked man dragged by a female officer who was wearing the man's shirt - it was going to be the gossip of this week.

Si-Oh looked around the cell, and the grill over the window was fixed back with new and thicker one.

He smiled, nodding his head.

' If you step out of here for a second time, I will make sure it is the last day of your life ' Namsoon said, gritting her teeth. She was extremely annoyed at how this investigation was not wrapping up, instead turning more complex with each passing moment.

Now, she had an asylum to search on which was also connected to her mother's death.

She still couldn't understand what was happening. Her father has always said, her mother had ran away with her past lover and abandoned her. Then how did she end up in a mental asylum ? Is this why she never met her ? The questions kept adding on the list. She has to meet her father today. She need answers.

Si-Oh looked back at Namsoon, locking his eyes with hers. And then it slowly went down and up her body.

Namsoon gulped, her throat constricting  and making it hard to breathe.

He took a step closer to her and she stepped back.

He took another step and she stumbled and fell over the iron door, closing it.

The three criminals from the cell of the opposite side of the corridor whistled and cheered up. It was turning into a theatre for them, even though now they could see only through the square hole in the door.

Si-Oh looked at Namsoon intently and pushed her back on the door, pressing her body with hers.

The criminals whistled again.

Namsoon tried to push him back, embarassed with what was happening right now but Si-Oh held her back over the door.

Because of continuous cheering and whistling, two officers reported the higher ups and Hee Sik came running in. He looked at the closed proximity between them and it felt like a hard punch over his heart.

Hee Sik banged on the door harshly and Si-Oh looked at him through the hole on the door.

' Is he your lover ? ' Si-Oh asked Namsoon. His thumb rubbing on her wrist softly and sensually.

' I am not an....answerable to you. ' Namsoon retorted back.

' Hmmm. ' Si-Oh slowly started to glide up over her left arm and then traced her collarbone with his finger - his eyes fixed on Hee-Sik.

Namsoon closed her eyes. She was starting to get aroused while there were officers outside the door and the criminals were whistling.

This has to be the most fucked up and embarassing situation she has ever face.

Si-Oh heard the bangs over the door getting louder and louder, as if they were trying to crack through the metal with their bare fist.

He looked away from Hee-Sik and back into Namsoon's eyes.

He bended down to her level, his finger going down towards her left breast.

Namsoon curled her fingers, her nails scratching over the metal.

Si-Oh traced the outer area of her nipple over his shirt, making her feel frustrated.

She had to use every thread of her control not to give in and looked back at him to warn him to back off but Si-Oh got his face closer to her - his lips next to her ear, while his finger caressed every inch of her breast except her nipple making it ache badly.

'We are getting married today, Mrs. Ryu ' Si-Oh said, taking a deep inhale of her jasmine scent and he stepped back.

Namsoon looked in shock at first and then anger took over her.

In the next moment, the sound of a hard slap silenced the entire corridor including Hee-Sik.

The left side of Si-Oh's face started to get inflammed and red.

Namsoon was panting hard.

How dare he ?!

Si-Oh looked back at her. He wasn't pissed at all.

He smiled at her and rubbed his thumb slowly over his cheek.

The anger and power dropped from Namsoon's face as she watched him laughing at her.

She was starting to feel the fear of entangling herself with a criminal.

Namsoon turned around and unlocked the door, walking out of the cell.

Hee-Sik tried to talk with her, but he couldn't dare to. He looked back at Si-Oh and wanted to interrogate him but Namsoon was more important to him right now.

Si-Oh shook his shoulder feigning innocence as he watched Hee-Sik being pissed at him. He closed the door and turned around, smiling proudly.

In three hours, he will be out of here. And by noon, he will be married.

Binbin has taken the responsibility, so he didn't need to think about the fault in this plan. He can rest for next three hours.

Si-Oh laid down on the floor, his skin coming in direct contact with the cold floor reigniting the forgotten memories of childhood.

He looked outside the window and it had started to rain heavily.

This marriage was not about winning Namsoon. It was about her security. He has to be close to her to protect her from her father and the head of Pavel, even at the cost of his own life.

And it would be a lie, if he said he didn't wanted her as his wife.

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