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It has been six hours since I got married to him. I have locked myself in the office. I didn't see his face or anyone else. I am sitting like an idiot in this chair for hours, looking at the sky - my heart still racing at the thought of Si-Oh being my husband.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Every moment I had spend with him in last ten months flashing in my mind.

This was suppose to be a mission, where I had to seduce and then arrest him but the plan had been deviated since the day he had covered me with his coat to keep me warm. That was my first contact to warmth and care in years.

I should have stepped back right away, but the officer in me kept dragging me to the mess I am in today.

The sun is setting down and I am starting to feel thirsty. I didn't had a drop of water for the past hours. I have been blankly staring out of the window. No one had knock on my door. Everything was pin drop silence unlike other days as if only I was there in seventh floor of this building.

I pushed myself out of the chair. A part of my gown got stuck in the wheel of the chair. I pulled it out carefully, as if I would hate my wedding dress getting a tear in it.

I picked my empty water bottle and walked towards the door, my heart beating wildly again at the thought of facing him. But I don't think he is here. Orelse, he would have drilled a hole through my door by now.

His obsession of marrying me was wrapped out. He had got a bail. I have failed the mission badly. There is no evidence anymore, except the red book I had never seen. Even if it exist, Si-Oh wouldn't be handing over an evidence to me. That would be sheer stupidity from him.

So for now, he is probably gone. And honestly, this is what I need. Everything, including me is a maze. I don't want to complicate it further. It's better if we stay away from each other, atleast for a week.

I opened the door and stepped out of my office.

I turned towards my right side and there he is, looking at me.

I felt like both of my feet had been drilled into the floor. I couldn't move. And I was so anxious, I couldn't even look away from him. The bottle slipped out of my hand and rolled on the floor.

Si-Oh got up from the chair and started walking towards me. His eyes were fixed on my face.

I was nervous, like I had never been around him. Signing off in those papers as his wife has changed a lot of things.

I took a step back but he casually kept walking towards me, both of his hands inside the pocket of his pant.

When he was some feet away, I ran back inside my office - my safe place for now.

But I couldn't lock the door, he had already placed his foot between the door and the frame.

This is a nerve wrecking silence between us, louder than any words.

I stepped back and let go of the handle of the door.

Si-Oh pushed open the door and walked in, locking the door behind him.

I decided to break the silence.

' Wha...what do you want ? ' I asked.

He looked at me.

Without answering me, he came closer to me.

' Si-Oh....' The warning came out as a nervous request.

I stepped back and crashed over my table. I was not liking his silence.

My breaths turned heavy. I shut my eyes, feeling him so close to me. The warm air he is exhaling was flowing down my shoulder.

And then I felt his finger touching the upper part of my left breast. He slowly picked the hem of my offshoulder gown and pulled the gown up.

' Your gown had slipped a bit ' Si-Oh said.

My inner thighs clenched involuntarily. Hearing his deep voice as the first thing after hours of silence and also, the fact he was my husband now made me more sensitive.

I still couldn't look at him.

I felt him pulling out his finger from the hem of my dress and accidently, it grazed over my areola.

' Ahh..' I failed to stop the moan. 

So close to where I wanted him, once again. In the same day.


I felt my nipple strain against the breast cup of the gown. I rubbed my teeth against each other. I opened my eyes but I kept looking at the floor, not him.

' I will leave ' Si-Oh said, stepping back.

' Where ? ' I asked, shocked and finally looking into his eyes. I expected him to claim his wedding night with me. 

' You need some space from me and our marriage ' He answered, shocking me further.

' Didn't you marry me to.... ' I couldn't complete my question.

' You are not a sex object for me, Namsoon. ' He answered, bluntly. The seriousness behind his words and a tinge of pain flashing on his face because of my misunderstanding - I could feel it.

' If you had been in my mind only for sex....' Si-Oh said, coming closer once again.

' I wouldn't have to marry you for such a thing. You would have screamed my name, begged me to fuck you senseless in my office itself. And then I would have killed you for spying on me. You wouldn't have lived till today to drag me here, imprison and interrogate me sweetheart.' He said, looking into my eyes. The darkness and ruthless devil in him coming to the surface.

He took a deep breath and looked back at me.

Those pair of orbs have turn soft again, like it had always been for me.

' You are not what you think you are to me. ' Si-Oh said, his eyes fixed on my lips.

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