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'Why ?' She asked.

Because I am the wretched king of a wretched world. The underworld of Korea is beneath me. Scared of me. And I am scared about you - I wanted to tell her.

She secured my wrists behind me and stood there, her soft breasts pressed on my back, making my breath hitched.

' What are you doing ? ' I asked.

'You are not allowed to go anywhere without answering me' She said, her nose grazing the cartilage of my ear.

' And you think, you can stop me with a tie ? ' I asked, my wrists touching her lower waist every now and then.

' I am ' She answered, standing back on her feet.

She walked infront of me, looking into my eyes. I looked away, afraid of what she would find in me.

' Stop delu....deluding yourself. I will fire you. ' It was getting difficult for me, to think straight, answer her and maintain a distance from her.

She took a step towards me, smiling at me. And I took a step back.

I was aware of what would happen if I get close to her. It wouldn't be another casual sex. She will take me to a world, where I had never been and from where, I will never be able to get back to who I am right now. I will be the wretched king with a secret. And living with a secret in this business is a weakness.

She took another step towards me and my back touched the door. If I want, it would take me a minute to get out of her hold and reverse this situation but that would be done by harming her. So I have no way out of this.

' There is a deco....decorum to maintain in my office. ' I tried to give her another reason so she would back off.

The corner of her lips tilted up, mocking me.

' Decorum, huh ? ' She said, closing the last inch of distance between us.

Who was she ? Tsetseg ? She has always been innocent and kind. Like the tree with shade, under which I could rest. This Tsetseg felt completely different. I am curious about her.

' Decorum like kissing your employee. ' Her finger traced the first button of my shirt making me grit my teeth.

She stood on her toes again, taking the support of my chest.

' Decorum like touching my breast. ' She mumured, close to my ear. I closed my eyes, inhaling her scent.

She unbuttoned the first button and her thumb caressed my skin underneath it. Blood rushed down my body.

'Who are you ? ' I asked. She was not Tsetseg. How could a person flip and be so different ?

' Your front desk assistant, director ' she answered. She was mocking me because of what I had said to her to keep her away.

She pressed her lip over the hollow area of my neck, my vein pulsating. I know, she could feel her effect on me.

She unbottoned the second, third button...all the way down to my waist, leaving the last two buttons as they were.

She kept sucking on my neck, testing every inch of my patience and control right now. I had my head pressed on the door, involuntarily exposing more of my skin for her.

I felt her parting my unbuttoned shirt and pushing her hand underneath it. My breath hitched due to the contact.

She caressed my waist and my fingers balled into a fist. I had enough.

I locked my right leg over her left calf, making her fall over me. Pushing my body off the frame of my office door, I rotated towards my right, pressing her over the door.

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