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As I drived through the woods, I started to wonder what he was doing here ? And as the car approached his last traced location, I started to see a building on the other end.

Did he constructed a torture room amidst a forest ?

What kind of a freak he was ?

How could I even feel for such a man ?

I felt like throwing up.

This man kept peeling himself, showing his true nature. He wasn't an abused child, a victim of human trafficking. He had turned into a devil.

I was regretting my decision of not bringing a force with me and there was no signal too. I couldn't call Hee Sik.

I stopped the car infront of the building and took a deep breath.

This will go either of the way  - one of us will come out alive, tonight.

I pulled out the loaded gun and tucked it behind, inside my jeans.

I locked the car and walked towards the entrance.

The condition of the building was at it's worst.

I walked in through the entrance, almost pulling out the gun but then what I saw made my heart twist in pain.

There were so many people being mentally tortured in here.

A woman was pulling out her hair and eating it while a young man was scribbling on the wall. When I walked closer to him - I found out he was a foreigner.

There were screams, people were laughing - all of them his victims.

The regret of not bringing a force got stronger in me, only if I had got them I could have saved these people.

I walked passing them, feeling helpless and my eyes fell on the office at the corner.

Maybe this is where Si-Oh was hiding.

I looked at the camera and pulled out the gun. He could have already watched me entering through the corridor.

I stood outside the door, the gun loaded in my hands. I was gripping on it tightly.

I was about the open the door, when I heard my mother's name.

I stopped.

The memory of holding her ashes in a pot coming back to me. I couldn't even see her face for one last time. How she looked as she aged. I wanted to ask her why she left me. I wanted to talk with her. But everything was gone, because of him !

I will not spare him this time.

I pushed open the door and to my suprise, there was someone else with Si-Oh.

Both of them looked at me and I pointed the gun towards them.

Si-Oh was suprised for a moment then he shook his head, as if somewhere he had expected this to happen.

' STEP BACK. ' I said, walking inside the office.

Both of them took a step back.

' We can talk, ma'am ' The man standing beside Si-Oh told me.

' HAND OVER THE FILE TO ME. ' I ordered.

The man was about to say something again, but Si-Oh squeezed his hand stopping him.

Si-Oh stepped closer to me. I warned him to step back from me, by using my gun.

But he didn't listen to me. He kept walking closer, till the nozzle of my gun was pressed against his chest.

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