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Si-Oh's Pov :

I was sitting inside Mr Kang's office. I could feel his eyes on me.

I understand his dilemma. His concern for Namsoon and her safety wasn't just a director caring about his officer.

' Can the red book really get you arrested ? ' Mr.Kang asked.

I smiled and looked at him.

' Are you worried about Namsoon marrying a man who can get arrested or are you desperate to catch me ? ' I asked him.

He looked at me.

' She never had a family ' Mr.Kang said.

I understand.

I never had a family, too.

' So ? You will not arrest me ? ' I asked.

Mr Kang took a deep sigh.

' We work according to the law but the law is flawed. You have killed people who were criminals too. You have been the project head of Retsen, but you were under the orders of a notorious organisation. You are a criminal but you are the victim of human trafficking too. ' He said.

I looked at him. For the first time, I felt like someone had truly made an attempt to understand me.

What I have been expecting from Namsoon, I got it from him.

A little bit of humane behaviour.

I didn't know how to respond to such thing. I looked here and there. Maybe I should get out of here. It was getting awkward for me.

' I will leave, Sir. ' I said and walked out of his office.

I don't know what happened to my mother, the day she abandoned me but I do hate her each time I look at Namsoon.

The wish to have her as my wife, wake up in morning and look at her face, watch her pregnant with my child, laughing at her tantrums, the dream to have a family with her - everything was hanging with the thinnest thread for me.

It appeared like a person who was destined to die, was desperately wishing to live.

I had to laugh at myself in the middle of an empty corridor.

I looked at my watch and it had been ten minutes since I had walked out of her office.

What was she doing ? How long does it take to  wear a damn gown ?

I looked at the door of her office and it was closed.

Keeping my life in my hand, I decided to visit the nuclear reactor once again.

I knocked on the door.


Once again.

'Fuck off. ' She said from the other side.

Her temper.

Tsetseg was better.

' Open the door. ' I said, almost like an order.

' No' Namsoon answered.

' Okay. Then I can just break in. I need to see what you are cooking for past ten minutes. You have only twenty.....' I told her and she opened the door, taking my breath away.

I had picked one of the most beautiful wedding gown from the collection the shop had but looking at Namsoon in it, was unexplainable for me. The off shoulder embroided white gown had become priceless because of her.

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