Her maze.

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Author note : I know a lot of you are confused what's suddenly happening with the book.

This is my first book, so it had a lot of flaw in the first few chapters. The story did had a plot but not a proper flow. When I read my story a few days back, I felt the missing parts. And then my neurodivergency kicked in with it's perfectionism so I had to fixed it.

The plot is same. Everything I am adding or editing has been already read by my old readers of this book in other chapters - so, you are not missing out on anything.

I am just going to change the flow of the story in the first few chapters.

Sorry for the inconveniences. 💟 Please bear with me for the next two days (13th June ) .


Nam-soon woke up from the nap, stretching out her body. The clock was striking past six. She had slept through the entire noon. Now the sky turning into a beautiful shade of pink as the darkness of the night approached.

She looked at the birds returning back to their nest through the glass of his office, which brought back a beautiful memory of her mother - how she would explain why the birds were flying back to their nest in the evening and why there was no birds in the sky at night to the curious little girl nestled in her arms.

And each time she would recall her mother, she would hate the man sitting infront of her behind his desk a bit more. With his eyes closed, leaned back - he did not appear like devil, but he actually was.

A bunch of seconds and she could put him six feets under the ground right now, but this is more than a personal revenge. She is here as an undercover officer with a mission. She has to make him fall in love with her.

Four months back :

( TW : suic*de )

Nam-soon was dressed in a funeral dress - as black as her soul right now. She  walked through the corridor of the building of Korea's national intelligence agency. Her colleagues watching her walk past them, scared at how much distant she felt to them right now. She was summoned by Mr Kang Jun-Ho - the director and the only person she respected and reported to.

Mr. Kang was looking outside the window of his office, uncomfortable and anxious about the next mission. It was not just his ace officer that will be put under risk, she has somehow turned into his beloved daughter too - the void which was left behind after his own daughter had commited suic*de. But he has a rule for himself : 'Duty over family'.

He took a deep breath, preparing himself to hand over the envelope to Nam-soon which had her next target and mission. He had suggested her name to the higher ups, so there was no way to step back now.

Nam-soon knocked on the glass door.

' Come in. ' Mr Kang ordered. 

She walked in, standing infront of his huge glass desk.

She saw her reflection, not a clear one but enough to make her rub those tear stained cheeks. She hated being weak since her mother abandoned her.

He smiled looking at her, partially because of the mission and how she would be taking on a completely different role than her real character.

He wanted to hug her. He could feel the loss she had faced two days back still raw in her eyes but this was not the right place to show his fatherly affection. He pushed the brown envelope towards her, asking her to open it.

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