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She was pressed against the door of his office and he could see the nervousness in her eyes.

He walked towards her, untying his tie, leaving it around his neck loose. His body felt like hot lava was flowing through his veins. His body was aching.

Si-Oh slowly approached her, his eyes going down from her brown almond shaped eyes to her pink lips which she kept licking frequently as they were drying up due to the air she was inhaling and exhaling out of her mouth.

Nam-soon fisted her fingers by her side, finding him just some feet away from her. He had unleash something very different in her, the first time he touched her last day. She was frustrated and angry since then because of unknown reasons.

' S...stop the...there' She said, pressing herself further on the door.

Si-Oh didn't say anything. His eyes moved down further, from her lips to her neck, finding the black mole on the crevice of her collar bone. He felt an intense desire to press his lips over it, dreaming about how she would arch her body against him - her soft breasts pressed over his chest.

He looked back into her eyes as his pant strained around his lower body.

She watched him checking her out and his eyes turning into their darkest shade -  laden with desires and surprisingly, concern for her in there too.

' I....'

Before she could say anything, Si-Oh erased away the last inch of distance between them and stood in the closest proximity he could, to her - placing his right arm by her face and his left arm wrapping around her waist.


He said, his face close to her - inhaling the jasmine scent again, that had been driving him insane for weeks.

Looking in her eyes like he was swimmint inside a deep well, he pulled her towards him suddenly, smashing her upper body to his. He pressed his arm firmer on the wall to balance himself alongwith her.

' You..' He said softly.

' M..Me ? ' She stuttered.

' You have no idea what you do to me. ' He answered.

Si-Oh didn't spare a second to her to ask him what he meant. He pressed his lips on hers and sucked her lower lip in his mouth harshly, sending shivers down her body.

Her entire body started to burn, thousand times stronger than she had felt last day.  She pressed her palm on his chest trying to push him back because what he was doing and the sensations she has been feeling were absolutely new and very strong for her. She was feeling weak. This was not who Namsoon was.

Si-Oh swiped his tongue over her lower lip, sucking on it again to make them dry. She moaned in his mouth, clutching on the cotton fabric of his shirt. He pushed her back on the wall, lifting his right arm off the wall and placing them on the side of her waist too.

He lifted off his face, breaking the kiss but his face just an inch away from her face - not giving her enough space to even breathe properly. Her heart was ramming itself on her sternum, absolutely out of her control.

He looked at her closed eyes, the cleavage formed by her soft breasts thrusted up because of his body pressing into hers.

His left fingers fisted on the fabric covering her waist - He was losing control but he shouldn't. She was new to all of these sensations.

' You have turn into my home , Tsetseg. A home I never had . '

His eyes glistened with tears for the first time since he was abandoned.

It was just not her who was feeling a lot of sensations that were absolutely new to her, he was in the same space as her.

He went in for the second kiss - softly this time, turning Namsoon blank with his confession and the kiss.

He pecked her upper lip and sucked on her both lips, pulling a moan out of her again and this gave him the scope to enter inside her mouth. He swiped his tongue throughvthe space between her cheeks and teeth while his palm caressed the side of waist. He pulled out the shirt tucked inside her pant and put his hand inside them. His cold fingers touching the skin of her lower waist, inciting another moan out of her. Her feet rolled inwards inside her shoes, the nails of her toes scratching over the sole to erase away the itch and burn in them.

It was not a love confession but even this was suppose to be a celebratory achievement in the mission, but it didn't feel like that anymore to her.

Her body was burning with desires for him and her heart was in an unexplainable pain, as if while trying to capture him she was the one who has been caged.

She felt his hand sliding sideways inside her shirt, moving towards the front of her waist - placing it flat over her navel. No, not here ! This was the most sensitive of her body.

Si -Oh felt her chest frantically frictioning, up and down against his body while he searched for her tongue with his, further pushing himself into her mouth.

She gagged and as she did, he swiped on her tongue sending shiver down through her spine.

Si-Oh's hand moved from her navel and started to glide up towards the hem of her bra.

He pushed his thumb underneath it, caressing the soft skin of her lower breast. He felt her push herself further into his palm.

The sensations went a notch higher making her feel the weakest she had ever been in her life, a tear rolling down her left eye because of how strong and sensually aroused she was.

She felt his palm pushing through the gap between her bra and skin.

Namsoon held her breath in anticipation and she felt his palm over her right breast while kissing her fiercely.

She couldn't exhale out the air she was holding in. The sensation of a man touching her made her shiver in pleasure while her body was screaming for oxygen.

It has never been so difficult for Si-Oh to control himself. The way her breast felt supple and soft underneath his palm, his imaginations were running wild with all of the things he wanted to do to her right now.

He wanted to take her in the space where her body would feel everything it has never felt as a woman.

He stopped kissing her, taking a deep breath. He didn't wanted to scare her. All of this was new to her.

He touched her forehead with his, his eyes closed - their lips grazing each other lightly, every now and then. He remained like that for a minute, smiling how this was the first time he was not doing what HE WANTED. He was controlling himself for her.

He opened his eyes and watched her standing infront of him - eyes closed, skin flushed out , panting and lips swollen. He did that to her.

He didn't had a virgin kink, but to be the first man to make her feel like this was kind of arousing.

Si-Oh shook his head and smiled again. His gaze shifted down to her chest - her shirt outlining his fingers on her breast. He tried to pulled his hand out but accidently his fingernail grazed over her erect and sensitive nipple.

Namsoon cried out his name, fisting the shirt over his right arm.

Si-Oh gritted his teeth, closing his eyes, trying extremely hard to control himself. He felt her breathing, heavily again. So fucking sensitive.

He pulled out his palm, leaving her craving for his touch and her shirt fell down to it's place.

Si-Oh stepped back a little and the rush of cold air again between them made her open her eyes.

He smiled at her.

Bending down a little, he placed his lips on her forehead and kissed her.

And this was when she realised, this mission is the split road by her fate.

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