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He stood behind the window, looking at them, how he was kissing the forehead of his daughter.

The daughter that reminded him of his failed marriage. A wedlock where his wife has never been in love with him. A wedlock in which his wife's soul and body was entitled to someone else since day one. He was the bystander in his own marriage, where the woman he had liked since the day he saw her was pregnant with someone else child. She was there - always for him - kind and comforting, but only as his 'helper', never as his wife. Even the day she died, her diary had two pictures and he never had the courage to pull out even one of them to look at it - the man behind the cause of his endless pain.

He laughed mockingly, at himself. Pulling out the silencer from his pocket and fixing it on the pistol.

Neither could he love Namsoon as his own daughter, nor he could hate her. She was part of his life as the reminder and his second helper. He had always been a keen observer of her intelligence and smartness. She was not naive like her mother. And when she turned into an intelligence officer, he had to fake an accident to be wheel chair ridden - hence, setting up the pawn shop as a cover.

But all of this, didn't mean he would allow her to take down the only thing that truly belonged to him.


Pavel didn't happen in a day or month, or a year. It was the fruit of his thirty eight years of hard work. From being poor and going to bed with empty stomach every night to working under a mafia and finally, heading an organisation that could turn spiral the system of a country into a chaos - he had walk a long way. And if securing all of this means killing her daughter next, he wouldn't step back.

But there were pieces of puzzle which were not coming together at first. Ryu Si-Oh who had been trained directly under his observance - how did he fail to pick on Namsoon and her motives. And when he find out, why she didn't had the fate like rest of undercovers. Why did Si-Oh kidnap him - Namsoon's father ?

Now he had the answer when he watched Si Oh take care of his daughter - the devil he had mold for years, was turning himself into a prey - right before the mission, he had trained Si-Oh for. He couldn't let that happen.

He sighed and pushed the bullets in  - pointing the gun towards his daughter who was sleeping soundly.

He pulled the slider and released it, firing the rifle. The bullet shot through the nozzle of the gun and in micro seconds, pierced through the skin of Namsoon's neck. The blood spilled out of her and she woke up, screaming in pain.

' I am sorry honey. '

He muttered to himself and stepped back, quickly escaping out of the house which he knew like the back of his hand and got in the car waiting outside, heading towards the farmhouse where he was held captive.

As the car was passing by the gate of his house, he could hear Si-Oh crying out for Namsoon.

He smiled, a tinge of sadness lingering on his face and he laid back on the seat, closing his eyes. The memories of holding her in his arm for the first time. When she called him 'ah-ooo-ewi' for every little thing. Graduation memories. Cooking meals together. Her rant about her classmates who would mock her for her short hair.

One after another memory of her started to hit him and unexpectedly, his heart was twisting in pain.

' Stop the car. ' He ordered, his hand gripping tightly on the seat. The driver screeched the car to a side and pressed the brake. He got out of the car and slammed the door back, pressing his head on the rim of the car - breathing deeply. It felt like the air was being sucked out of his chest.

A lone tear escaped his eye and rolled down his face.

Everything happening right now was confusing him alongwith this fear of how he would never get to see the little girl in his house again. He closed his eyes, trying to be rational and calculative once again.

He felt a tug on the lower part of his pant and opened his eyes.

He found a toddler looking at him with her big doe eyes, tugging on his pant once again. Her hair tied in two ponytail which had yellow and pink teddy band around it. She smiled at him, flashing three of her front tooth which was growing out - a familiar memory replaying itself in the back of his mind.

She pointed her little chubby finger, covered with saliva at him and curled it towards her while the thumb of another hand went inside her mouth.

He bended down to her level and she poked his cheek with her finger, getting the saliva on his face. Flashing a bigger smile at him - showing more of her growing teeth, she turned around and walked away as if nothing happened.

While his chest tightened further in pain.

He took a deep breath and stood up.

Sparing an officer like Namsoon wasn't the mistake, the head of Pavel could afford.

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