Ryu Si-Oh

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' Where are we heading to ? ' I asked.

' Murderer's house ' Binbin said, turning the steer wheel to right and overtaking a black truck in the empty highway.

Binbin was not some random hired investigator. He would handle the cases which I wouldn't trust anyone with.

He is the only friend I have. We have been together for twenty years.

If we were given only one piece of bread as a punishment and it was the only meal we had in the entire day, both of us would share it.

We would take the blame for each other, get whipped and still the friendship remained as strong as a mountain.

Also, we shared a dream.

To take down Pavel.

At first, it was about overtaking the organisation but since Namsoon came in my life, I didn't feel any kind of interest in this dark industry anymore. Infact now, the thought of killing someone made me feel uneasy.

And, Binbin understood me.

Yes, we were criminals. We have hundreds of skeletons in our cupboard. But we were trained to be like this. Hence, we decided to take down the entire organisation and if possible start life once again.

The car halted and I looked outside the window.

The house.

This road.

Everything was familiar to me.

Namsoon's house ?

I stepped out of the car, just to give myself a space of doubt because I didn't wanted to believe what I watching right now.

But Binbin would never lie and his investigation skills was neither a joke. He was after this case for past six months.

' Are you sure this is the one ? ' I asked to confirm. Maybe he could have taken the wrong way.

Binbin sighed understanding my dilemma. We did have such a connection.

He got out of the car, pressed the key and locked it.

I watched him lean on the car and he looked at me. Rare, but I saw a very minute presence of hesitation in him as if he was scared to reveal the truth to me.

'Tell me. ' I said.

Binbin looked at the house, his eyes fixed on the rusting broken wheelchair still lying on the entrance.

He didn't say anything for a minute. The silence was killing me. And then I heard him say -

' Murderer is Namsoon's father. He is not wheel chair ridden. He is also the director of the Giang Asylum. The woman who Alex had murdered, was Namsoon's mother. And he is not her biological father. '

It felt like the piece of land on which I was standing had been suddenly swept away by a flood of truth.

There was so many things happening.

And Binbin's investigation did answer some of my query about the family frames hanging on the wall but there was one confusion - why did Alex kill Namsoon's mother ? He was strictly allowed to take orders only from Pavel and me. Then why ?

I opened the gate of her house and pulled out the weeds blocking the entrance, my mind occupied with all kind of questions - concerned about Namsoon.

Does she know her father is not her biological parent ?

Does she know that her father most probably had ordered for her mother's death ?

Does she know who runs Giang Asylum ?

Does she have any idea what she is surrounded with ?

My concern for her had skipped to the highest level possible. Now, I couldn't even trust her investigating skills.

I took a step ahead and stopped, shaking my head in a no.

Binbin placed his hand over my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze assuring me of his presence.

I looked back at him.

' There has to be a connection between Alex and Namsoon's father. ' I said.

Binbin nodded at me.

I looked at the house again, my skin erupting into goosebumps as I had the flashbacks of carrying a bleeding Namsoon in my arm. It felt like my entire world had fallen apart.

The fact her father was behind all of this, made the situation more painful for me because Namsoon would be facing such a harsh truth.

' The answers are in Giang Asylum, Si-Oh. ' Binbin said, bringing back my attention on him.

' Namsoon lived with his father in this house. He doesn't seem like the kind who would take such a huge risk. So I believe everything that could be useful for us is hidden in his office. ' He continued.

I looked at him, thoughts and plans racing inside my head. Binbin is right. We have to visit his office.

I was remembering the day when I had set her father free by my own hands after I had thought Namsoon was dead.

I felt like smacking myself. How could he escape my eyes ? I was trained to live in the same spectrum as her father. I was trained to pick on such people with my intuitions alone.

But maybe he could escape me because we never had a face to face meeting.

I sighed, passing my fingers through my hair.

Whatever this was, it was absolutely messed up.

I wish I could protect Namsoon from all of this.

I turned around towards the gate. Binbin passed a small smile at me and we both headed for the gate.

My calculation says, if Alex and Namsoon's father is connected then he is not some ordinary roadside criminal  instead he is among the top bench of Pavel.

We sat in the car once again and Binbin accelerated the car, heading to the asylum.

I had my finger crossed, hoping for better things there but my sixth sense was not in tune with my expectations. It knew there is something worse waiting for me there.

I closed my eyes as Binbin raced the car at a high speed and I leaned back on the seat, thinking about multiple things at once.

I don't know when I drifted into sleep, unless a loud gunshot woke me up.

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