Silent Betrayal.

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Namsoon walked in her office and locked the door, drawing the curtain. She shut off every form of contact from the outside world, even the sunlight which was coming through one of the window.

Her heart beat was racing like a brake failed train.

Marriage ?


How could she marry a man who was on the verge of being prosecuted ?

This is fucking ridiculous.

But, why couldn't she deal with this absurd request like an officer ?

Why was this effecting the woman inside her ?

Namsoon walked infront of the mirror, tears rolling down her cheek. She wiped them off.

' I will not marry him. ' She said, softly to herself.

Hee Sik banged on the door.

' Namsoon ! ' He called her loudly.

She didn't feel like answering him right now. She closed her eyes, resting her head over the mirror.

Namsoon could smell him in the shirt she was wearing. She could feel his touch over her left breast. She could feel his lips on hers from last night. Her body was craving from him.

And now her heart was rotating in a different direction since he had asked her to marry him.

She shouldn't feel like this !

Him and Her - it is forbidden.

She would never ruin her career, her image over a criminal who is also the murderer of her mother.

Namsoon broke down, crying profusely. The emotions has finally got a grip over her.

She fell on the floor and curled into a ball. She was missing the warmth of her mother once again. She wanted her mother to pat her head and assure her she didn't have feelings for him. Her mother could never be wrong.

She cried till she fell asleep on the cold floor, her heart aching in pain.


Namsoon's sleep broke due to the loud thunder in the sky. She stretched her body and looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

It was ten minutes left to be ten in the morning.

She got up, hiting her head on the pile of files near by.

' Ouch ! ' She said, rubbing her head.

' Are you okay sweetheart ? ' A familiar voice asked from the other side of the door.

Namsoon scrunched her brows in confusion. Who dared to address her as sweetheart in the office ?

Then her pupils dilated.

Si-Oh !

She got up from the floor quickly and tripped, somehow reaching the knob of the door.

Namsoon twisted it and the door opened.

Si-Oh smiled brightly at her, leaning back on the wall.

'What the fuck ?! ' Namsoon said and then she saw him properly.

He was not wearing the prison uniform. He was back in a black three piece suit. The suit crafting itself over his torso perfectly.

And in one hand, he was holding an embroidery white wedding gown.

She looked on either of his side. There was Binbin standing by his right side in a blue suit and Mr. Kang was a bit far away.

Namsoon was so confused right now, she could mess up even the cases she had solved previously or had been awarded for.

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