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I couldn't find Won-Ah. It was like he was wiped off the surface of earth and all of this solidified my suspicions over a person.


Anyone working directly under Mr.Ryu always had to face two thorough secret identity investigations before being recruited. I did it. One for Pavel without Mr.Ryu knowing about it and another for him.

The search on Namsoon came out to be clean in either of the investigation.

Tsetseg. 24 years old. A science graduate. Works as a private tutor. Takes care of a wheel chair ridden father, who runs a flower shop. Most probably took up the assistant job to make ends meet.

She could have come safe out of it, if I had not traced her out of curiosity last month and found her walking into the office of Korea Intelligence Agency.

From there, I went to her father's flower shop and found out his daughter was named as Namsoon, not Tsetseg.

Since then, two and two was adding up into four. Things which have been always in a proper order, had started to get off the track.

Nam-soon was planted near Mr. Ryu Si-Oh for Retsen as his potential love interest by being caring, humble and innocent to him. The ancient spy trick.

I always had wanted to alert Mr. Ryu but I was very much aware of his growing soft corner for 'Tsetseg' too.

His office was like a court, I could only bring facts and proofs on his table. Everything else was useless.

I had tried to get the surveillance footage from the coffee shop infront of the agency but she wasn't captured with her face.

There was something suspicious about her father too. It felt like a voice I had heard over a call, but we had never interacted before.

I wanted to do a thorough investigation of both of this matter but then the Won-Ah mess unfolded and now, the situation has changed.

Namsoon was actually very close to Retsen and it has turn the project into emergency.

There is no way I could catch Won-Ah, so I choose to go back to Mr.Ryu even if it was like walking in a hungry lion's den.

I grabbed the key from my pocket and pressed it to start the car.

I pulled the handle to open the door of my SUV and got in, locking back the door but soon a brownish black car halted infront of mine, refraining me from leaving.

The car had no license plate. And I knew what was in my fate.

I will either be shot dead or taken hostage for failing the mission.

But there was still a card I could use.


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