The 'Namsoon' Fate.

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Ryu Si-Oh has been confused. It had never happened to him before. He couldn't focus on the documents that has to be signed for next distribution of drugs. Retsen, the drug his team was working on - was not going as per the schedule. Pavel has been suspicious of him and ofcourse, irritated too. The business has been through some losses for the first time ever since he took the charge five years back. No one was to blame, except him.

And maybe, the woman napping infront of his desk, on his leather couch right now - wearing one of his black shirt over her pale white baggy trouser because she had spilled coffee over her own shirt while being excited about his offer for a chocolate cake as a treat.

Si-Oh sat back on his chair and shook his head. She would be happy and excited over every second thing in her life. Life was like a festival to her, one after another with no end to celebration. She enjoyed every small thing - from a chocolate cake to a falling star. And her uniqueness has been injecting desires into him - desire to be with her, be happy. For peace. Desire for a family......the desires which is placed in a cage in reality and locked very far away from him.

He laughed, mockingly at himself and his fate. Nowadays hating his mother too who he don't remember anymore. Except for the faint memory of her leaving him behind with the excuse of buying a cotton candy for him from the nearby fair. He waited in the park innocently, sleeping on the bench - but his mother never came back.

And each time he would remember her, he wishes that the reason why she didn't come back for him that day was because a car might have hit her and she had died.

If one memory made his soul clench in pain, there was also the memory of meeting Namsoon for the first time which could define peace for him.

The flashbacks of how he met her four months back, replacing the memory of his mother once again like a therapy.

Every single detail of it inked in his soul.

Four months back, she was sitting in the waiting area outside his office, for the interview of Si-Oh's front desk assistant post. 

She has been the odd one out since the first time he saw her.  Unlike the other women present there for interview, she was in baggy shirt and loose trouser. Big glasses covering her eyes , hair parted from the middle and a big smile on her face.

After he had called her name from his office, she was ordered to enter, the security opening the door for her.

She was anxious, continuously fidgeting with the chain of her file.

She got up from her chair, straightening out her baggy tee and pushed the glasses up her nose. Taking a deep breath, she walked towards the door.

He couldn't take his eyes off her.

After the first two candidates being an utter mess where one of them was more intelligent than needed for the post and the other one was already hitting on him, a fucking nuisance - he silently wished for her to be the one.

He needed someone who could take and complete orders, without being curious or calculative.

She entered his office slowly and everything came in a halt for a moment. She pushed the glass over her nose and as she approached the desk , she knocked herself over her own feet.

Si-Oh had to bit on his lower lip to stop himself from laughing. Since when did he care what was rude ? She dropped the file too, pages flying here and there.

Interesting. Absolutely fucking interesting.

She kneeled down and started collecting the pages, stuffing them back in her file - not even in the proper order.

Clumsy. Naive. 

One of her page had flew inside and was lying near to his office's centre table. She had missed it.

She closed her file and got up. That's when he noticed her attire once again.

Trouser and baggy tee.

A woman was keeping him intrigued about her in most unexpected ways, for first time. It was not a random sexual appetite which he needed to get off his head in next ten minutes. This was different. 

She had walked inside his office and he got up from his chair too. Walking towards her, he had his eyes fixed on her. The way she was nervous and pushing her hair behind her right ear or the way she was clutching the file tightly to her chest. Her gaze was fixed on the floor as she came and stopped infront of him.

He inhaled the sweet, subtle scent of jasmine from her. He was noticing every small hint about who she was as a person, unintentionally.

The door behind her was closed back. And they were alone in the room.

He walked two steps closer to her and she took a step back. He passed by her right side and bended down, to pick up the paper she didn't collect.

He straightened and looked at her.

'Here.' He said, holding the paper close to her.

That's when she looked at him properly for the first time. And his had heart skipped few beats. It had felt like someone had punched him on his chest and threw the air out of him. He kept looking at her eyes, watching a bright smile form on her lips.

She looked down again and worry instantly took over her face.

Before he could guess, she had grabbed his right wrist and pulled him towards her, making him lose his balance.

She picked his index finger, looking at it like a hawk and that's when he noticed the deep paper cut. It was bleeding slightly. She looked closely at it, and he kept looking at her, amused by her sudden care. This was his first encounter with such humane emotions.

He watched her pulling out an animated bandage from her bag and she wrapped it around his cut, over the dried blood.

She looked back at him again and he looked away, grinding his teeth against each other. He was feeling anxious because of her concern. This was suppose to be an interview.

He pushed her back and went to his desk, asking her to take the seat.

The interview went smoothly and she was recruited.

He opened his eyes with the loud thud, as the file kept on his desk fell down.

Back then, his logical side had warn him about her but he didn't listen.

And now, he was deviated from his path.

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