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Si-Oh Pov :

I walked in the elevator, finding her standing there. Avoiding me.

' She is not Tsetseg. She is Namsoon. She is not what you think she is. Don't fall in her trap !!! '

It was Alex's way to negotiate with me for his life but the land beneath my feet felt swiped off back in the office.

Betrayal could be a synonym for the world where I lived and I was no saint either. I had my cunning ways too. People had double crossed me and then begged for death. But today, coming face to face with this same thing once again felt very different. Something inside my chest had been twisting painfully since then.

Did I really fell into a fucking trap ?

Maybe it's just a name swap and nothing else ?

But I couldn't see any proper reason for Alex to lie despite he clearly had said, it's a trap.

And I would have given her a benefit of doubt, if my phone hadn't ringed for a second time after Nam-soon left my office.

' She is an intelligence officer, probably planted for Retsen.....'

' I have watched her walking into the Korean Intelligence Agency.'

On one side I was furious and on the other side, I was calm and at loss of words.

But if it was just another tactic of Alex to deceive me and have his way out, he was really playing with his life this time.

So I wanted answers from her, but I also didn't feel like asking any question. I walked into the elevator, the door closing behind me. She stepped back. Nervous.

I walked by her and stood by the wall, my eyes locked on her back. If it was someone else, this would be the moment they would have been tortured and killed.

The elevator reached the ground floor, she took a step ahead to walk out of it in a hurry but I grabbed on her wrist pulling her back in the elevator - pressing for the fifteenth floor. The door closed back and we were left alone again.

I pulled her back further this time and she stumbled, her back crashing on my chest.

' what....'

' Sshh..' I placed my finger on her lips, both of us looking at each other through the distorted reflection of us on the metallic door of the elevator.

' One question and your answer must be in yes or no '

Her fingers were cold. I could feel her tensed.

' Are you spying on me ? ' I asked. I was getting lost in the proximity between us.

She tried to push me with her elbow to create a distance between us and I restrained her movements by her waist.

' Let me ask you once again. Are you a spy ? '

The elevator was about to reach the tenth floor.

She pushed me again and I let her go, turning around to look back at me. I stood there, crossing my arms over my chest - curious , how she would get out of this. Lies or truth

' No. Like my resume speaks it to you Mr. Director. I was a private tutor and now your assistant. ' She answered, without any fear or confusion.

A trained liar.

' An explanation for your name too. '

She sighed and took a deep breath. I wonder how long she was trained to be here.

' Tsetseg is what my mother used to call me, lovingly '

There was a flash of pain in her eyes when she mentioned her mother. I was curious about the past tense she used while talking about her.

My phone vibrated in the pocket of my suit. I unbuttoned it, pulling out the phone - an unknown number.

' Yes ' I answered the call.

The person was panting on the other side.

' Her father is in the house ' They said.

' Okay. ' I ended the call, looking at her.

The elevator reached the fifteenth floor and door opened sideways. She stood there. So did I. None of us moved. I saw her fidgeting with an extra thread falling out the sleeve of her shirt.

She was not the first undercover to be in my office. There were six of them before her - all women, planted by the rivals. Each of them, now buried and rotting in my vineyard.

But her.

I can't torture her. I couldn't endure the thought of killing her. I couldn't be the inhumane bastard I was for the rest of the world.

And now I was also splitted. I was feeling betrayed despite no personal commitments between me and Namsoon. But I also had to cover up for her to keep her safe from Pavel because the news is not far away from them as Alex knew who she was. Right now, I wasn't even sure about if Pavel was already aware of this mess.

The clock was ticking against Namsoon, but it felt like I was in her place.

I was lost in my thoughts, when my phone rang once again. I found the elevator empty. Where did she go ?

The same number - I answered the call.

' He is with us, Director. ' The person said.

' Don't torture him. Keep him in my farmhouse. Stay alert ' I ordered and ended the call.

She has to pay a price. For betraying me. And to be safe.

___________ ♡ _____________

I had to end the chapter as a short one because the next one is important and long, coming up tomorrow. I didn't wanted to break it and put some part of it in here.

So what do you think would happen next ? And who got 'kidnapped' ? Do you think Si-Oh will spare Namsoon till the end out of his feelings or the devil in him would be awakened at some point ?

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