Giang Asylum

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Namsoon was furious, pacing back and forth in the cell where Si-Oh was. The bended iron bars of the window frame was adding on her anger.

But she also couldn't stop herself from being impressed with his intelligence and audacity.

' Where are the officers who was in duty in the food and surveillance department last night ? And also get the officer who was guarding his cell ! ' Hee sik ordered.

' No use ' Namsoon said, shaking her head and looking down.

' Why ?! ' He asked, walking towards Namsoon.

' They are either dead or have left by now. He is Ryu Si-Oh, not some ordinary criminal who would plan a faulty escape. ' Namsoon answered.

She walked out of the cell and headed for her office in the adjacent building.

She took the empty elevator and pressed the button, the door closing infront of her. 

If he was foresighted, so was she.

It's just a matter of minutes and she will know where he is right now.

She was trained to search for an opportunity in every situation.

The elevator opened in the ground floor and she walked out the building, heading for the one infront of her. The security officer on duty bowed to her.

Namsoon headed straight for her office and slammed open the door, kicking it back towards it's frame.

She opened up her laptop, clicking on an app and there he was, as a blinking red dot in her screen.

Namsoon sighed and leaned back on the chair, watching the dot move on what was being marked as a forest in the map.

She was confused.

What would he do in a jungle ? Murder ?

Namsoon got up from the chair and unlocked the drawer, picking out her private phone. She locked the drawer back and switched on the phone.

She opened the same app which was tracking Si-Oh in her laptop and there was a red dot blinking on her phone's screen too.

She shut down her laptop and picked on the car's key, heading for the garage.

She will catch him red handed tonight.


Binbin pressed on the brake and halted the car infront of a building which looked like it was desolated.

The building had climbers growing on it's wall. The iron from the roof was lying naked as the concrete had chipped off from a corner. Moss had covered the outer lower part of the walls.

Si-Oh opened the rusted gate of the building and walked in, the dried leaves started to crackle under their feet causing unnecessary sound but there was no way other than this.

Both of them slowly and softly walked over them and reached the glass door of the building, Binbin pushed it opened and a damp stench filled up their nostril.

The corridor was dark, with a light hanging loosely in the end. An elderly man was walking around and laughing loudly, all by himself.

Then a woman screamed in pain from the room on Si-Oh's left side.

There was a mixture of sounds, some were screaming, someone was laughing, the nurses were furious at the patients  and it finally felt like they have stepped in an asylum.

Suprisingly, it was quite on the other side of wall which mean they were soundproof.

There was only one floor and it felt more like a torture asylum now.

Si-Oh has been a devil, himself but he never thought of such ways to decapitate an enemy. He didn't feel like a devil anymore.

Binbin walked inside, through the corridor and there was a knot forming in his stomach. He had started to feel uneasy, so was Si-Oh.

They passed through the corridor and took a right turn.

Si-Oh saw a locked door in much better condition compared to other rooms and he knew that was Namsoon's father office.

There was a camera infront of the door, but Si-Oh had no intentions to hide from him. He had touched Namsoon, so this was an open war now.

Both of them walked towards the locked door and Binbin looked directly at the camera, passing a mocking smile. This was one of the most notorious case he had handled and the fact he had finally caught the culprit, gave him a sense of pride and satisfaction. Ofcourse, he would celebrate it !

Binbin pulled out a nail cutter from his pocket which also had many different curved equipments in it. He used one of them in the lock and the door opened.

Si-Oh laughed slightly at his friend, shaking his head. He was still better at such jobs compared to him.

The office had a desk and leather chair placed behind it. There was a shelf with many files kept in it.

The window was shut closed and an oil painting of a young woman was hanging on the adjacent wall. The woman appeared familiar to Si-Oh but he didn't had time to find out who she was. He is here for a mission.  

Binbin started to search the office. He took out a file from the shelf and there was a prescription with some other unnecessary documents. He took out another file which was arranged in the same manner.

' You will not find anything there. An elephant has two set of teeth, one to show the world and the other pair which it actually uses. ' Si-Oh said, his thumb caressing the outline of the painting.

Binbin pulled out a random file from the third floor of the shelf and smiled, looking at the piece of wallpaper which seem to be recently pasted, behind the shelf.

He walked towards the right side of the shelf and pushed it away.

Binbin ripped off the wallpaper.

A file fell on the dust, covering the floor.

He picked it up and read.

'  Hwang Geum Joo '

Si-Oh looked back at him and quickly walked towards him, taking the file.

It really was the woman Alex had killed.  Namsoon's father hiding this file meant , she was her mother.

Before Si-Oh could open the file, Namsoon walked in the office with a gun pointed towards both of them.

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