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I asked him, locking my finger in his waistband.

'Can I ? '

He looked at me.

' Untie my hand. ' His voice back to being deep and authoritative.

He didn't feel like the Si-Oh I was refusing to obey since past half an hour.  Right now, he felt like the Mr. Ryu Si Oh who was described in the file of my mission.

Cold and demanding.

I kept looking into his eyes. Pushing myself towards him, I wrapped my arm around his waist to reach his wrists tied behind him. I could inhale his scent, my face touching his chest.

I don't know why I was behaving like this.


Craving for his touch.

I pulled the knot and the tie loosened around his wrist. And the next moment, I was slammed back on the wall. His body pressing into mine, my breasts hurting slightly due to the pressure exerted by him.

' You brought this on yourself ' he said, close to my ear.

I could hear him gritting his teeth.

He grabbed the lower part of his shirt which was buttoned and ripped them apart. The shirt was on the ground.

My breath hitched.

The feelings in my lower abdomen - is this what they mean by 'butterflies inside your stomach' ?

He bended and looked into my eyes, placing his arm on both side of my face - caging me.

' But you don't feel like...'

He locked his fingers in my hair.

'......Tsetseg today.'

And pulled my hair back, arching me towards him.

' You feel like a very different person ' He breathed close to my face, pushing his face closer to me.

His eyes gliding down to my lips and then back to my eyes.

Before I could defend myself, his phone vibrated on his desk - slicing through the tension and silence between us.

He didn't move. His gaze fixed on me. His body pressing down mine. I could feel his groin near my lower abdomen, making my body burn in desires I had never felt before.

The vibration stopped.

And it came back in a second, sparking a kind of disappointment in me.

Si-Oh let go of my hair and placed his forehead on mine, taking a deep breath. Our eyes fixed on each other, as if searching for some form of solace we never had.

What an odd and lethal choice.

His fingers grazed my lower chin and slowly moved up, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

' I am sorry ' he apologized.

I felt like apologising too. I don't know for what.

With him, everything was turning complicated.

He pushed his body away from me and looking at me for one last time, he turned around walking towards his desk.

I was lost in him.

I was lost in how his muscles were contracting and relaxing.

I was lost in his deep masculine voice as he recieved the call.

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