Hourglass of 24 hours

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Si-Oh's Pov :

I couldn't take my eyes off her lips. It was the only thing I wanted right now.

Each passing second, I was getting more desperate to feel her.

'I don't need your body.' I said and got closer to her lips, her soft breasts pressing over my chest.

It is a lie. I crave to touch her. I crave to cover myself with her scent. I need her the way I had never wanted anything in my life.

But this is my secret. I don't want to scare her, precisely when she has so many thoughts running inside her head as my wife.

I touched her neck softly and pushed her head towards me, our lips brushing over each other.

' I need you, completely. Your soul, heart, each breath of yours.....I need you like a desert needs the rain, Namsoon ' I said.

She had her eyes closed.

I couldn't stop myself from checking out, this beautiful woman infront of me.

Her nose.


Her lips.

The veins of her neck.

Her soft skin dipping into the valley crafted by her collar bones.

The indecent desire to pour a shot of alcohol in it and wipe it off with my tongue while the alcohol spills and flow down her breast.

' But I...I just need your body. ' She said, trembling in my arms.

She will always make sure, we are running anti parallel to each other.

I smiled.

I didn't choose a trophy wife.

' Is it so ? ' I asked.

' Y..YES ' Namsoon said and opened her eyes to look at me.

I traced her lower lip with my thumb. I felt myself twitching and growing inside my pant.

I pushed my thumb inside her mouth, her saliva coating it all around. I pressed on her tongue, making her unable to speak. Namsoon panted under me.

' I had prepared seven vows to say to you, today. ' I said, softly.

I pushed my thumb further inside her mouth, making her gag on it. I pressed my lower body on her and she stopped breathing for a moment, feeling my erection on her. I was aching for some kind of relief.

Turning her into my wife wasn't a great choice. My self control was slipping away like the sand from inside of a fist.

' One of the vow is to fulfill every wish of my wife. ' I said and slowly pulled out my thumb from her mouth, dragging it down her neck to her cleavage. I wiped my thumb over there. She was breathing heavily, her chest going up and down in an uncontrolled way.

I loved watching her feisty soul being helpless, because her body was under my control.

I stepped away and walked back from her, my eyes fixed on her.

I pulled the latch of the door down and unlocked it.

' What are you doing ? ' She asked, nervously.

' Look, I have my juniors here. I have a reputation to....'

I didn't let her complete. I walked back towards her and picked her up in my arms in a bridal style.

She was shocked.

She squirmed in my hold, trying to get down but I held her more firmly by her waist.

' You...you are not going to take me out like this. ' She tried to warn, making me chuckle.

I looked at her.

' You have a choice. ' I said, dropping my head closer to hers.

' I will take you here and everyone will hear you begging me for my body, or in my house with only both of us ' I pulled her earlobe between my lips and sucked it.

' Ahh. ' She winced in pain.

I let go of her earlobe and it had turn red.

I walked out of the door, heading towards the elevator. Namsoon pushed her face into my chest, hiding from everyone looking at us right now.

My shoulder had started to twitch in pain but letting her down means, she would fight with me and try to escape once again.

I can't let that happen.

Binbin had called me two hours back. He was successful in tracing Namsoon's father.

Her father is in this building. He has been recruited as the new clerk under the name Seo Ye Joon.

I had immediately notified Mr. Kang, but he was a step ahead.

He was aware of Namsoon's father presence in the office.

' Better to keep your enemies close. Take Namsoon to a safe place and stay with her. It won't take long for him to find out you married her. ' Mr.Kang said to me.

That's when I decided to take her to my farm house. Only Binbin know about it, other than me.

The elevator reached the ground floor and we got out of it.


I have been driving for past two and half hour. Namsoon was sleeping soundly in the passenger seat.

Binbin had passed her out by mixing sleeping pill in her coffee. I was still not sure about how easily she could trust him ?

I had called Mr.Kang to remind him about deleting the footage of us leaving the premise and he didn't fail to suprise me once again by being a step ahead. Explains why he was the director of a national agency.

Finally, I stopped my car infront of the main entrance door. The high security system, scanned my face and the door opened infront of me.

I drived in and a relief ran through my nerves.


This hillstation had nothing to do with me, but Binbin. This was his parents favourite destination. He still remember a memory of his father, how he would ride on his back and make him act like a horse while his mother would laugh at them. He couldn't recall the exact location of his father's farmhouse but he remembered the name of the place. So he had requested me to construct a small farmhouse here, as our safe place. I did.

I turned off the car, parking it in the garage and opened the windows. She was still asleep. I wonder how many pill he had mixed in her drink. It better be one.

Soft chilled breeze started to flow inside the car, playing with Namsoon's hair. I got close to her and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

It was our wedding night and she would often provoke the carnal desires a man would have, inside me.

But right now, all I felt like doing was to look at her sleeping soundly - so close to me.

She wasn't a mirage anymore.


Next update : tomorrow. Below 18 squad is not allowed in the party.

The hourglass has been flipped. The sand is falling down through the hole. What do you think will happen with both of them ?

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