Chapter 38

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Alex eyes turned black, Xavier went flying into the wall.Blackness surrounded Kyle and I,we closed our eyes.When we opened them we were in Kyle's room.

I placed Kyle on the bed.

"You guys alright "Kyle said.

Alex and I both nodded.Kyle let his sleepiness take over.Alex and I walked downstairs, Trina and Lea was out somewhere.

Alex sat on the couch.

"That was the first time I used the dark magic."Alex said.

"How did it feel."I said.

"The so strong....when I sent Xavier flying into the wall the power that took was powerful."Alex said.

I eyed her, I handed her a bottle of water.Alex took a gulp, of the water.

"What did Xavier mean by I'm his."I said.

"I think Xavier, might like you......"Alex said.

Okay boys falling for me......I'm not that beautiful, Kyle thinks I'm a goddess. You know sometimes people will say "your so beautiful " but yet you don't see it.I don't see my beauty, but it seems like these boys see my beauty and much more.

"I hate him....and all vampires......including Lucas "I said.

Alex eyes widen.

"Why do you hate Lucas "Alex said.

"For starts.....when I was about stab his brother he came at was there you saw it "I said.

"But.....he had to pretend not to care.....but Lucas is our friend."Alex said.

I got up and walked over to the fridge, I opened the door and looked inside.I spotted a bowl of strawberries, I pulled it out and walked back to the couch I sat next to Alex.

"But still it was.....still kinda wrong for him not to help us. "I said.

"I understand "Alex said.

--------Lucas POV

James and Xavier started to fight, James heard Xavier when he said Jessica is his,lets just say Xavier is the most powerful vampire for a reason.

James was getting tossed around like a rag doll.My mother came into the room, I looked at her.

"Enough!! "mother yelled.

James and Xavier pulled apart.

"Jessica is mine..... you asshole "James yelled.

"Jameson bite your tongue Xavier respect you foolish child "mother yelled.

"I hate you mother........I hate the castle I hate everyone .....all I ever wanted was Jessica's love."James yelled.

My mother looked at James her eyes widen,a tear made its way down her face.

"James! This is our mother your speaking too, you need to get over your hopeful dreaming.....Jessica is happy without glad she came here tonight and didn't kill you "I said.

James grabbed me by the collar.

"Speak when spoken too brother otherwise shut your fucking mouth. "James said.

I pushed James back.

"I speak when I feel its necessary "I said.

James walked upstairs to his room.I looked at Xavier.

"What "Xavier said.

"Your nothing but a troublemaker. "I said.

I turned and walked away.

---------------Jessica POV.

Alex and I watched "Twilight :breaking dawn part 1".Alex eyes were glued to the screen.I got up and walked upstairs I walked in Kyle's room.

Kyle sat up in the bed, his stomach was healed. Those are one of the perks of being alpha you heal extremely fast...but since he got hit with a sliver blade it took some time.

I looked into his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"Come lay next to me "Kyle said.

I hopped in the bed, Kyle arm wrapped around my waist.He turned his face to face me.

"Your......just so......beautiful I can't believe I got a mate like you."Kyle said.

I placed my head on his chest, he played with strands of my hair.

"I love you enough to know..........I .........can't stay."I said.

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