Chapter 7

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The night was restless for Usagi. Her mind was filled with new information about the powerful families and her future role as the wife of the heir to the Kou family. She kept waking up, reaching out for Chibiusa, only to find her gone. In this uncertain environment, she felt lonely and lost. The absence of her siblings left a painful void in her heart, and thoughts of the street she once shared with them lingered.

Usagi could hardly close her eyes, and when she did, images of Seiya appeared in her dreams. His charming smile and bright blue eyes haunted her even in her sleep.

The next morning, Usagi was awakened by an overly cheerful Tellu. Tellu, always impeccably styled, seemed to never have a bad day. Her unnatural cheerfulness radiated from her. "Good morning, Serena!" chirped Tellu, throwing open the curtains. "It's a wonderful day, isn't it? I've already ordered your breakfast, and afterward, we'll work on your outfit for tonight. Oh, I have so many ideas; I'm really excited to see how it turns out. I'm already so thrilled."

Usagi rubbed her eyes sleepily, trying to get used to the new names and titles. "Good morning, Tellu." Being addressed as Serena was still unfamiliar, but she was gradually getting used to it.

Tellu led Usagi to the dining room, where a richly set breakfast table awaited her. The food was delicious, but her stomach, tied in knots from excitement and nervousness, made it difficult to eat. She forced herself to take a few bites as Tellu continued to chatter.

After breakfast, the elaborate procedure began. Tellu led Usagi into a spacious dressing room where an amazing selection of dresses and accessories awaited her. The stylist hung the different outfits on a long rack and looked excitedly at Usagi. "Serena, today is an important day. You'll meet the Kou family for the first time, and it's crucial to make a good impression. So, let's find the perfect outfit for you."

For hours, the two tried on dresses while Tellu eagerly explained why a particular outfit was ideal for the occasion or scrutinized Usagi to fetch the next one. Although Usagi usually had no great passion for fashion, she couldn't deny that the dresses were beautiful, and she felt like a princess. The transition from her life on the street to this glamorous setting was overwhelming, but she tried to adapt to the role of Serena Tsukino that she had to play from now on.

Usagi was currently wearing a beautiful kimono in delicate pastel blue, adorned with an elegant white floral pattern. The kimono enveloped her in gentle elegance, showcasing refined details. The floral vines meandered across the fabric, blossoming in the light color. The obi, holding the kimono together, was intricately tied, accentuating her slender waist. The wide sleeves of the kimono made her look majestic, while the fabric gently and fluidly swayed around her with each step. With the delicate train trailing behind her, she walked like a graceful princess. The kimono felt comfortable and soft against her skin, giving her an aura of timeless beauty and grace. Usagi twirled in front of the mirror, unable to deny how good she felt in it.

Tellu smiled with satisfaction. "That would be an excellent choice, Serena. You already radiate in it, and I haven't even started with the styling. Taiki Kou will surely be impressed." "Yes, I hope so," said Usagi, "and his brother too, if he recognizes me," she added mentally. Her thoughts quickly returned to Seiya, and the doubts and expectations in her heart became even more complex.

Usagi turned critically a few more times. "Don't you think it's a bit too much? I mean, it's so elegant. Shouldn't we go for something simpler?" Tellu just shook her head. "Absolutely not. You've already tried on at least twenty other outfits. This one is speaking to me; it's perfect for today. Get used to such clothing, and trust me. It will be simply wonderful. Although something traditional wasn't in my shortlist, on you, it's simply stunning." Usagi nodded with mixed feelings.

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