Chapter 37

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Amy sat in her new office, trying to get an overview. Taiki had spared no expense in setting up the rooms directly beneath his external office for her. This way, they could spend their breaks together, and at least during the day, they knew the other was nearby. Taiki also had a considerable number of employees, for whom Amy was now medically responsible. She was sorting through the files, carefully checking which employees she already knew from her work at Kakashi and which required a complete reevaluation. As she was engrossed in her work, the mailman knocked and handed her a stack of letters.

Her eyes quickly scanned the senders for anything important, but the only envelope that caught her attention was from the laboratory. A dull feeling settled in her as she stared at the letter, intensifying with every passing second she held it. She reached for the letter opener and extracted the test results from the envelope.

- Test results for Serena Kou. -

Her eyes hastily scanned the lines. Liver values normal, kidney values normal, thyroid normal, red and white blood cells also normal. Her tension began to ease as she read the satisfactory numbers. Tumor markers were also all clear, but then Amy froze.

The HCG value was significantly elevated. Almost hypnotically, Amy fixated on the number 625, and instantly, the two possible causes flashed before her mind's eye. Either Usagi had an ovarian tumor, or, more likely in this case, she was pregnant.

Amy closed her eyes for a moment, trying to organize the emotions welling up within her. Her heart raced, and her mind tried to comprehend the situation. "What if she's really pregnant?" Amy thought as reality seemed to blur around her. Taiki would become a father, and everything would change. Tears welled up in her eyes, and a slight panic took hold of her.

Resolutely, Amy got up, went to her shelf, and pulled out one of her heavy medical books. Emergency medicine and surgery—those were her specialties, maybe even intensive care. She had simply endured the mandatory gynecological hours back then. She needed something to find the HCG value table, then she meticulously ran her finger over the table. 625—that value was reached in a pregnancy when ovulation occurred 15-19 days ago.

She sank back into her office chair with wobbly legs, her eyes on the date: December 17. Her beloved Taiki had been married to her for 17 days, and it made sense. The numbers in front of her were clear. He would become a father, and this realization stabbed her heart again.

A hesitant knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. "Yes, come in," she called out, though her mind was still elsewhere. Taiki smiled, poking his head in while holding up a large paper bag. "Can I come in? I brought us something to eat."

Amy looked up, her eyes still slightly red from tears. She forced a smile, though the uncertainty in her gaze was unmistakable. "Of course, come in, Taiki." Taiki entered the office and placed the paper bag on the desk. "I thought a little lunch could do us both good." His smile was warm, but then he examined Amy more closely. "Is everything okay?" he asked with concern. "Have you been crying?"

Amy closed her eyes and pressed herself tightly into his arms. The warmth of his body was a temporary, albeit weak comfort. New tears gathered in her eyes, which she immediately wiped away. She knew she had to tell him, she knew that their time together was over now, but she wanted to feel him a moment longer.

Taiki held her shoulders and pushed her back slightly, actively seeking her gaze. "Darling, what's wrong? What's bothering you?" he asked again. With trembling fingers, she pulled the letter with the lab results closer and finally handed it to Taiki. The office seemed to narrow as Taiki studied the lab results. His forehead creased slightly, and his eyes underwent an intense thought process. Amy could see a hint of worry on his face, and she felt the tension between them build.

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