Chapter 16

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The mere presence of Mamoru Chiba had ignited a wave of anger in Yaten. He loathed the arrogance and haughtiness of this man. Seizing the brief moment of turmoil, he slipped out of the hall. Slowly, he moved past the loudly arguing men who had retreated to Kenji's office.

"You've really outdone yourselves. I told you during your first attempt that this alliance would fail. I won't allow two powerful families to unite. You'll see!" Chiba yelled loudly. Yaten clenched his fists.

"Chiba, you won't be able to do much against this marriage. Serena will marry Taiki willingly," Kakashi tried to placate his counterpart, but Chiba responded with a mocking laugh.

Chiba laughed scornfully. "Do you really expect me to believe that this is a love match? No one will buy that! Besides, who assures me that this woman is really Kenji's daughter? After all, no one has seen her until now!"

The tension in the air was palpable, and Yaten felt his anger escalating. "They love each other, and that's why the wedding will proceed as planned. If you want proof that Serena is my daughter, Kakashi will surely provide you with a copy of the paternity test," Kenji explained with calm determination.

Rolling his eyes at the notion that Taiki and Serena loved each other, which was evident to him, Yaten had heard enough. Chiba was within his reach, and he couldn't mess this up. With quick steps, Yaten made his way outside. Chiba's red Porsche stood in the middle of the driveway. Yaten was relieved that he never left the house without his essential equipment. Taking a deep breath, he realized he had no time to lose. His steps were swift, and his movements precise. A small GPS tracker smoothly slid out of his pocket, and with practiced hands, he discreetly placed the unassuming device at the bottom of the vehicle. Yaten was grateful that he never left the house unprepared. Sharpening his senses like a predator in the night, he lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall as the smoke mingled with the tension in the air.

In the pocket of his coat, he felt something that brought a mischievous grin to his lips. With that, he could expose Chiba. It didn't take long for Mamoru Chiba to come rushing through the door. Yaten could see he was angry and could guess why. The entire situation with Taiki marrying Serena didn't sit well with him. Yaten composed himself to avoid smirking.

"Chiba!" Yaten's voice cut through the air and hit Mamoru like a targeted blow.

Mamoru stopped abruptly, his gaze icy as he turned to face Yaten with a quick spin. "What do you want, Kou?" His words were sharp.

"Not going as you hoped, huh? First, you got Mina out of the way to prevent this union, and now Kenji has pulled another daughter out of his hat. Must be bitter for you... and who knows how many more children he has running around here... If nobody knew about Serena's existence, what about her? Do you plan to murder Serena as cold-bloodedly as Mina? Or do you have other plans for her?" Yaten challenged.

Mamoru came menacingly closer. "I don't know what you're talking about," he hissed. But Yaten analyzed his body language in seconds. He was sure Mamoru was lying. Fingers playing with the small object in his pocket, Yaten provocatively blew the smoke of his cigarette in Mamoru's face.

"Yes, you do. I may not have evidence yet, but I will expose you. And believe me, when I have proof, I will avenge Mina. Someday you will make a mistake, and then I'll have you. Count on it."

Mamoru roughly grabbed Yaten by the collar and grinned maliciously. "I don't know what you're talking about, and now leave me alone," he repeated coldly. Yaten felt how Mamoru struggled with his composure, and he contemplated whether to continue provoking him. Eventually, he pushed Mamoru away with force. He had achieved his goal for the moment. Those few seconds of physical contact were enough for him.

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