Chapter 21

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The next morning, there was bustling activity in the Tsukino residence. The day before the wedding was filled with hustle and excitement. The estate pulsed with activity as everyone worked to ensure that tomorrow's wedding would be perfect. House staff hurried through the halls, flower arrangements were checked, and the kitchen prepared the final culinary delights for the banquet.

Tellu was conducting a final fitting with Usagi. The opulent wedding dress they had selected the previous day seemed to fit perfectly. Tellu was satisfied with the result, but she could see the nervousness in Usagi's eyes.

"Relax, my dear. Everything will be perfect. We have everything under control," Tellu tried to reassure Usagi as she gently arranged the hem of the wedding dress. However, Usagi's gaze wandered, her thoughts seemed to be elsewhere.

At that moment, Makoto entered the dressing room with a letter in her hand. "Serena, here's a letter for you. It was just delivered by courier," she said, handing Usagi the envelope. Usagi examined the letter more closely. It looked like it had been opened multiple times. She wondered how many eyes had scanned its contents before hers.

As Usagi looked at the sender's name on the letter, she could hardly believe her eyes. M. Chiba. Her heart skipped a beat. Was this a joke? Or was there more to it? The invitation to lunch at a high-end Michelin-starred restaurant in Tokyo seemed hardly understandable to her. What did he aim to achieve with this? The wording was quite casual, but it contained the cryptic message that he needed to discuss something with her. Did he want to tell her something he didn't get a chance to say yesterday? Was it mere politeness, or was there indeed more to this invitation?

The idea of meeting with Mamoru stirred mixed feelings in Usagi. On one hand, the invitation sparked her curiosity, and she hoped to gain clarity about Mamoru's intentions. On the other hand, she couldn't shake off the skepticism that his name evoked in her.

Usagi stood undecided for a moment, her gaze fixed on the letter. Her father would probably vehemently reject the invitation, but ultimately her inner curiosity prevailed. If Mamoru really needed to discuss something with her, she wanted to know what it was about. Resolutely, she tucked the letter into her handbag and turned to Makoto. "Mamoru Chiba has invited me to lunch. He wants to discuss something with me."

Makoto's expression darkened, and a shadow of concern appeared in her eyes. "Serena, I don't think this is a good idea. Besides, we still have a lot of preparations to do before the wedding, and your father is out. So, we can't ask him for permission."

For Usagi, the situation seemed perfect. Without her father's presence, he couldn't directly forbid her plan. "Makoto, I think I should go. I need to know what he has to say. And I'll feel safer if you accompany me."

"Serena, I have to agree with Makoto. I also think it's not a good idea... I mean, Chiba is an authority figure, and you're engaged. It's not appropriate for you to meet with other men, especially so close to your wedding," Tellu chimed in.

"I don't plan on disappearing with him into a hotel room. I just want to know what he has to say. We briefly talked yesterday... at the reception. I already felt that he wanted to tell me something, but we were interrupted. So, Makoto, will you accompany me, or do I have to go alone?"

Makoto hesitated for a moment, her forehead furrowed deeply. She could see the determination in Usagi's eyes and knew that it was futile to dissuade her from this plan. "Okay, but I won't let you out of my sight." Usagi smiled in relief. "Thank you, Makoto. I wouldn't have expected anything else."

When they entered the restaurant, Usagi was led to a table. However, Makoto positioned herself at a distance in a quiet corner where she could observe everything. Mamoru was already seated at the table. When he saw Usagi, he stood up and extended his hand to her with a friendly smile. "Serena, I'm glad you came. May I call you Serena?"

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