Chapter 15

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It was time; the day of her engagement had arrived. Usagi woke up early in the morning and still couldn't believe that it was really happening. She had already showered and stared out of the window at the still dark sky when Tellu burst into her room.

"Oh, how lovely, you're already awake. Then we can start right away. We have no time to lose. Are you as excited as I am?" chirped the green-haired stylist enthusiastically.

Usagi heard the words, but her thoughts were still permeated by the events of the past days and the separation from her family and Seiya. She was absent-minded and nodded only after a while before following Tellu to the dressing room.

There, she took a seat on the chair in front of the large mirror and briefly examined the bruise on her cheek, the result of Kenji's blow from the previous day. The violet discoloration was unmistakable. Tellu ran her finger gently over it, and Usagi felt a slight pain.

"That's no problem, believe me, my makeup will make it look like nothing ever happened," Tellu said with a wink and immediately began her work.

Her hair was transformed into an elaborate updo, and Tellu applied subtle but stunning makeup. Layer by layer, she created a flawless appearance. Then she helped Usagi into the engagement dress.

When Tellu finished her work, Usagi could barely recognize herself in the mirror. She truly looked stunning, almost like a princess. Nevertheless, she felt like she was in a golden cage.

Mimete entered the room as Usagi was about to slip into her shoes. "Serena, you look breathtaking! Everything is ready downstairs. Taiki has already arrived, and some guests have gathered. Are you ready?"

Usagi looked down at herself once again. There was no turning back, she already knew that. So, she had no choice but to nod.

Mimete led her to the stairs, and Usagi held her breath for a moment as she stood at the top, letting her gaze sweep through the reception hall. Kenji and Kakashi were engrossed in a discussion and didn't even notice Usagi descending the stairs. Seiya stood with Yaten and Haruka near the door. Seiya's gaze was fixed on her, and she couldn't take her eyes off him either.

Her heart pounded wildly in her chest, and the thought of Seiya filled her with a mixture of longing and excitement. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still.

Taiki was already at the foot of the stairs, waiting for her. Only when she stood directly in front of Taiki did she manage to tear her attention away from Seiya. Her feelings were a hopeless mess at this moment, and she didn't know how to navigate this emotional rollercoaster. She reminded herself that she had to pull herself together now.

Taiki gave her a gentle peck on the cheek in greeting. "You look amazing."

"Thank you, so do you," she replied. "Are you nervous too?"

Taiki put his arm around her. "I think it's quite normal." As he did so, he nudged her a bit closer to Seiya, and her heart started pounding wildly again. She would have liked to throw herself back into his protective arms, like the night they had spent together. But that was impossible because all eyes were on her.

Politely, she greeted Haruka first, then Yaten. When it was Seiya's turn, and their hands met, that wonderful, unique tingling in her stomach returned. His charming smile greeted her, which only faded when he discreetly received a nudge from Haruka's elbow.

"And Serena, already nervous?" Yaten asked, seeming uninterested.

"Yeah, a bit," she replied while still keeping her gaze on Seiya.

"Oh, it'll be fine. You just have to sign two pieces of paper; you'll manage that," Haruka replied casually. But Usagi knew it wasn't just about the signatures. These documents would seal her fate even more, further distancing her from Seiya and binding her more closely to Taiki.

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