Chapter 38

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Yaten fixed his gaze sharply on the couple on the sofa. The atmosphere in the room was tense, and he felt like he had stumbled into a precarious situation that was extremely uncomfortable for all involved. His mind was racing as he strategically considered the best way to handle the situation. He depended on Usagi's help, and therefore, he didn't want to scare her away immediately. After all, she was now part of the family, and respect was crucial in this matter. However, if necessary, he could still resort to other means.

Yaten decided to give them a brief moment of calm. At the same time, he could use this time to handle some things and make an important phone call. "I'll go downstairs for a smoke real quick. When I come back, I expect an explanation for this situation, Seiya..." he said firmly. His gaze immediately turned to Usagi. "Also, I need to discuss something important with you, Serena," he added calmly, without waiting for a response, he turned around. With a smooth motion, he closed the door behind him, and the clicking of the lock emphasized the silence in the room.

Usagi's eyes widened in shock as her gaze fell on Seiya. "He knows, he saw us together. What if he tells Taiki? What if I lose everything now? If Taiki kicks me out? I can't go back to Kenji," she stammered in distress, her words choked by the fear rising within her. Seiya reached for her hand, his touch comforting and firm. "Calm down, sweetheart, take a deep breath. Yaten won't tell anyone anything." "How do you know? Did you see his look? I can't go back to Kenji, Seiya, you can't let that happen," she pleaded, her voice full of desperation. Seiya gently pulled her into his arms. "He won't reveal anything because he's my brother. If he wanted to, he could have exposed us in the underground garage instead of distracting Taiki. Trust me, he knows what I feel for you."

Slowly, Usagi calmed down, her breaths becoming steadier. "How... how do you mean that?" "Just as I said it. Yaten saw us after Makoto left. Afterwards, he confronted me, and I told him that I love you." "Does he know about..." Usagi broke off, unable to complete the sentence. Seiya shook his head slightly. "No, he doesn't know how far we've gone... If that's what you were wondering. And before you ask further, I think we should stick to the official version that it can only be his. I mean, we're brothers. Even if it's more like me, it's still somewhere in his genes. I don't want to shirk responsibility. On the contrary, I couldn't imagine anything more beautiful than having you and the little one around me all day. But, as you yourself just realized, this is about much more..."

Sadly, Seiya looked past Usagi, and in that moment, the depth of his own feelings was palpable. Even though he couldn't say for sure if it was his child Usagi carried in her womb, he knew he would love it unconditionally, from the moment he learned of its existence. Usagi gently placed her hand on his cheek, and their gazes merged in a moment of profound connection. Usagi couldn't hold back any longer. Slowly, she leaned in to Seiya and kissed him tenderly.

In this intimate moment, as they parted from each other, there was another knock on the door. The expected intruder entered. Yaten re-entered the living room, accompanied by a hint of cold cigarette smoke. "Just for my information. What exactly would you have told Taiki if he had walked in here instead of yours truly?" Yaten asked pointedly. His gaze almost pierced the situation. Seiya stood up and confronted his brother directly. "Drop it, Yaten. She's already not feeling well; she really doesn't need your dry humor."

Yaten scrutinized Usagi more closely. "Yes, right, I heard about it. Congratulations on the pregnancy," he said, pausing before turning to Seiya. "Is it yours?" he then hissed at his brother. Shocked faces looked at him. "How do you know about it?" whispered Usagi. Yaten rolled his eyes and pushed Seiya aside a bit. "Because it's my job to know such things, plain and simple... Amy took a blood sample from you yesterday, and the results were clear," he explained dryly. Then he turned back to Seiya and glared at him. "So? Is it possible that it's yours?"

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