Chapter 99

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With a slight delay, Mamoru opened the door to the conference room. All the available lawyers, not on Kenji's payroll, were already present, and he drew everyone's attention.

"I'm sorry, I had some family matters to attend to," he apologized and took his seat next to Seiya, who had held the place open for him.

Seiya briefly glanced at Usagi, who was seated on his other side, and then turned his attention to the group. He forced himself to remain calm and shifted into his professional business mode. Slowly, he organized his documents and notes, placing his brief agenda on top before standing up.

"Good, now that we are all here, I welcome you all to this emergency meeting. As you can see, we haven't gathered the usual representatives from Tokyo's various major sectors, but almost exclusively all the available lawyers from the Kou and Chiba families. The situation is serious, ladies and gentlemen. It has been less than two weeks since the great disaster, and the accusations against our former business partner Kenji Tsukino have only grown stronger. We cannot say precisely what his intentions were with the explosion, but it is clear that each of us has suffered significant losses because of it. Not only have we lost loved ones, but nearly every one of you has too. I want to express my condolences for these losses. This brings us to our main issue. My father, Kakashi Kou, is currently in critical condition, and the doctors cannot say if or when he will recover. Theoretically, the inheritance rules would apply, transferring his voting rights to my brother Taiki, but unfortunately, Taiki has been missing since the incident, rendering the entire Kou Corporation inoperative. I see some understanding faces, which is exactly why we are all here. We need a solution to restore our full voting rights, whether through my brother's wife or myself. Unfortunately, time is against us, as Tsukino has already called for a major board meeting, likely to fill the now vacant positions, although I cannot yet provide an official date."

Seiya paused briefly, looking at the faces of those present to ensure they understood the urgency of the situation. "If Mamoru and I have calculated correctly, the Chiba Bank, along with all its allies, could achieve a narrow majority. However, some of these allies are very fickle in their decisions, and Tsukino will likely offer them a substantial sum to secure their votes. So, by helping us save our empire, you are also helping save Tokyo's future," he continued with conviction, the determination in his voice unmistakable. "Before each of you is an envelope containing all the contracts and powers of attorney my father ever signed. We need an effective solution, and we need it as soon as possible," he concluded, sitting back down.

He briefly made eye contact with Usagi again, and she nodded in understanding. Now it was her turn to stand up. "Before we begin, I would like to say a few words as well. Thank you in advance for your support. I am still puzzled by what drove my father to such actions, and I can only sincerely apologize for his deeds." She lowered her gaze, her hand gently resting on her now visibly pregnant belly. "There is one more thing you should know: we have deliberated and decided to share the truth with you because only then can we put an end to his actions."

Slowly, Usagi walked towards a small side door. "As you can clearly see, I am expecting a child, twins, to be precise. My husband's heir is growing within me. He wanted to announce it before the disaster, but then events escalated."

One of the lawyers adjusted his glasses and had already started leafing through the documents during Usagi's speech. "I am sorry, Mrs. Kou, but unless there is concrete proof of Mr. Kou's paternity, the child could be anyone's, no offense intended. Besides, how do you propose to inherit your husband's estate when he has not even been declared dead? Moreover, I find it highly inappropriate to see you in this position, especially since you are also Mr. Tsukino's heiress. Granting one person so much power, especially a woman, is highly reckless," he began, earning sharp looks from Seiya and Mamoru for his critique.

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