Chapter 69

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Usagi, Amy, and Makoto entered the magnificent banquet hall. Usagi's gaze swept through the crowd, but Rei was nowhere to be seen. Nor did she spot any other lady in the Chiba colors. Instead, her eyes fell on a single woman, strikingly wearing a red dress. However, this person had nothing in common with her sister. Usagi had examined the few photos of Minako that Seiya and Taiki possessed before her departure. Long blonde hair, similar to hers, a slender figure, and a charming smile characterized the image of her sister in her memory. But the woman before her had short, light brown hair, and her silhouette seemed somewhat bulkier. Her nose was clearly not as well-formed. That was all Usagi could judge, as she was surrounded by a large crowd of people.

Nevertheless, Usagi felt observed by the woman, an inexplicable unease ran through her. It was as if the stranger had something about her that she couldn't grasp. She was absolutely certain that she had never seen her before, and yet there was something about her that the blonde couldn't quite describe.

"Serena, calm down, they will come. We are a bit early this time," whispered Makoto to her, noticing her searching gaze.

"Yes, I know, but I'm somehow nervous. If it really is Minako, then I'll meet my sister here soon. It's a strange feeling," confessed the blonde, keeping the entrance firmly in her eye.

"Yes, that's understandable. But please do me a favor and stay close to me, another incident like the one with your father recently would not be good for my heart," Makoto said, laughing.

That even elicited a soft chuckle from Amy. "Not just yours. I could also do without having to patch someone up tonight."

That somewhat relaxed the atmosphere between them, and the three of them ventured a bit further into the banquet hall. The first of the women now approached them more closely and began to ask Usagi about the homeless center, which she answered in a targeted and professional manner.

Every time someone wanted to toast with her, Makoto and Amy intervened skillfully to avoid the alcohol for her. It turned into a sort of game for the two of them, which all three found amusing. The champagne glasses changed hands every time in an unnoticed moment, so Usagi always ended up with an empty glass or a fresh orange juice.

But then Usagi tensed up. Of course, she kept glancing at the door, and right now something flitted past. Black hair in a fiery red dress. Without a doubt, Usagi recognized Rei. She stood at the door, talking to two other ladies, but then their eyes met.

Rei broke away from the group and came smiling towards them. "Usagi, it's so nice to see you here!" She hugged her warmly, followed by a friendly nod to Amy and Makoto.

"Rei, it's great to see you too," Usagi replied with a radiant smile. "Rei, may I introduce you to Amy? ... Seiya's ... girlfriend." The last words almost got stuck in her throat, and she gestured to the blue-haired woman beside her.

Amy was also uncomfortable, but she played it off and shook hands with Chiba. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Chiba." But Rei waved it off. "Not so formal, you belong here now too. I'm Rei, and you can take your seats now. There were some unforeseen delays, but we'll start the program soon." She was already turning to leave, but then paused for a moment. "Serena, I'd like you to follow me after the presentation. There's something important I need to talk to you about," she whispered barely audibly to Usagi, and she nodded in response.

The presentation began, and the various aid projects were presented. Each lady proudly showcased her work and efforts to help the needy.

Finally, it was Usagi and Makoto's turn to present the homeless center. Usagi stepped in front of the crowd, her heart pounding with excitement. She talked about the challenges and successes they had experienced during the renovation, showed pictures after the renovation, and invited everyone present to the opening ceremony.

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