Chapter 59

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The minutes seemed to pass like an eternity for Seiya as he sat helplessly by Usagi's side. He could do nothing more than hope that they would reach the safe harbor soon. When the captain announced that there were still 20 minutes until the port, he immediately made an emergency call to ensure that an ambulance would be waiting for them. However, Usagi's agonizing pain hardly subsided. Every time she seemed to calm down and Seiya hoped that everything would be okay, she would draw her legs to her body again and quietly sob.

Usagi was filled with a panicked fear of losing her unborn children. Although she was only at the beginning of her pregnancy, she knew that miscarriages in the early weeks were not uncommon, further fueling her panic. She had deliberately skipped passages in pregnancy guides that dealt with this topic. But now, in this moment, she wished she had informed herself more. The surroundings around her blurred, and only Seiya's hand, lovingly caring for her and providing comfort, kept her connected to reality.

Seiya's concerned gaze shifted between Usagi and the clock. There were only a few minutes left until they would reach the harbor. Resolutely, he wrapped a blanket tightly around Usagi and gently lifted her to carry her in his arms. With quick, determined steps, he rushed to the deck, where the ambulance with its blue lights was already waiting for them.

As Seiya approached the emergency medical personnel with Usagi in his arms, one of the men took her from him and placed her on the prepared stretcher. The older paramedic pulled Seiya aside and politely asked, "Can you please tell me what happened?" Seiya's feelings oscillated between desperate concern and helpless fear. He was still caught in a state of shock, but he managed to organize his thoughts. "I don't know... We were sleeping, and suddenly she started screaming." The paramedic tried to reassure Seiya. "Take it easy. Please tell me your name first." "Kou, Seiya, and Serena Kou," Seiya replied automatically, his eyes already searching for Usagi, who was being attended to in the ambulance. "Alright, Mr. Kou. We are here now, and we will take care of your wife. Does she have any pre-existing conditions we should know about? Does she take medication regularly, or does she have any allergies to medications?" the paramedic asked while making some notes. "She's pregnant... Otherwise, no, at least not that I know of," Seiya replied. The paramedic gently squeezed Seiya's shoulder. "Good, then we will head to the nearest hospital. You can sit back there. My colleague has already connected your wife and conducted an initial examination. Please remain calm during the ride."

Seiya took the assigned seat and observed Usagi with a worried expression. The world seemed to pass by him, and his focus was solely on her. Usagi lay on the stretcher, a breathing mask covering her face, and it seemed like her body had relaxed a bit.

Just a few minutes later, they reached the clinic, and Seiya didn't leave his girlfriend's side. She was wheeled directly into a treatment room, and then it was a waiting game. Usagi still seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness as Seiya kept a watchful eye on her.

When the young resident doctor opened the door, Usagi seemed to slowly regain consciousness. "What's going on? Where am I?" she murmured disoriented. "Take it easy, sweetheart, stay lying down. We're at the hospital. Everything will be okay, I promise," Seiya whispered to her, stroking her hair reassuringly. Then he stood up and extended his hand to the doctor.

"So, Mr. Kou, what can I do for your wife?" the doctor asked calmly as he flipped through his clipboard. Seiya tried to keep a clear head and grasp the situation.

"She suddenly had severe pain, out of nowhere. I've never experienced anything like this," confessed Seiya, his voice tinged with concern and uncertainty.

"Yes, I can see here that your wife is pregnant. How many weeks along is she?" the doctor inquired.

Absolute bewilderment was evident on Seiya's face. "Uh... I don't know, somewhere at the beginning. On the last ultrasound, it looked like two gummy bears... So, not much was really visible."

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