Chapter 89

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Haruka had heard about the accident in the news and immediately took action. She knew exactly what to do. They had rehearsed possible emergency plans often enough, but having to rely on them now filled her with unease.

In a flash, she alerted Yaten's special unit, and for several hours, she monitored the building from a safe distance, while Michiru prepared everything in the tower for emergency care. She didn't miss the fact that Kenji's informant lingered on the other side of the building, the redhead too conspicuous to overlook. Every smallest movement on the rubble site was reported to her, and she sat with complete tension in the converted transporter, sifting through the information on her laptop.

Once she found an entry to the building that was outside Rubeus' line of sight, she would go in with the best people to search for her friends. But hours had already passed, and from this distance, it was hard to properly assess the terrain. She redirected the ambulance that was supposed to take Kakashi Kou to a clinic directly to the tower, where she hoped a well-trained emergency team was waiting. She was somewhat surprised that Hiroshi had emerged unscathed, but at least she didn't have to leave her cover, as the old man would surely manage without her help.

Haruka's forehead creased as she continued to try to get a handle on the situation. The first reports on Kakashi's condition had just arrived, and she skimmed the lines. His condition worried her somewhat, even though she only understood half of the medical jargon, one thing was clear to her: he was in a coma, and at this point, no one could say if he would ever wake up.

Then her phone suddenly rang, the number from one of the observation posts. "Yes?" she growled tensely into the receiver. "Haruka, from position 2, we just located a person who is very likely Yaten. Due to the darkness, the recordings are very poor, but thanks to his distinctive appearance, we're relatively sure. We were able to track his path with the thermal camera, and it seems there's a way inside." Haruka's fingers tightened around the phone, and her breath caught. This was exactly the news she had been waiting for. "Is it a safe entrance? Are there already rescue forces in the area?" she asked for further information, needing to be sure she wouldn't give up her cover for nothing. "Last section on the back side of the building, less than 400 meters from your location. So far, no forces have penetrated there, and our redhead only observes the main exit," the informant's voice rang out.

Haruka drew a sharp breath and leaped out of the car in the same moment. "Send me a small team, no more than three people, and the exact coordinates. I'm on my way," she said hastily, ending the call, then opening the map and orienting herself briefly.

She moved lightly over the rubble, her senses sharpened, and with her flashlight, she illuminated the way. After a short time, the requested reinforcement also joined her. They searched painstakingly through the first meters, however, without being able to spot anyone.

Then Haruka dropped her flashlight, and it fell to the ground, her eyes suddenly fixed on someone she clearly knew. Her blonde mane was disheveled, nothing left of the magnificent updo, and she looked disoriented and upset. Just a few steps behind her, an equally disturbed blue-haired girl, whom she identified directly as Amy.

Haruka ran over and enveloped both of them tightly in her arms. "Oh, thank goodness you're okay. Where are the others?" she asked. Usagi couldn't initially realize what was going on here, but then she pressed Haruka tightly against her and let her tears flow freely. Haruka's hand moved soothingly up and down her back.

"Seiya and Yaten found a passage, they're looking for Minako, but Makoto and Taiki are still missing... At least, we don't know what happened to them," Amy whispered. Usagi sobbed a few more times, nodding in confirmation. "We... we need a vehicle, Seiya said," the blonde stammered, distraught.

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