Chapter 90

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Minako had successfully been brought into one of the provided transport vehicles. Even though the journey with her had proven to be more difficult than originally anticipated, they had managed it. Another one of her screams of pain emanated from the vehicle after Yaten had shut the door behind her.

The silver-haired man exhaled wearily and then looked at the other two, who were watching him closely. "I'm afraid I'll have to go to the Tower too. Minako just made it clear in no uncertain terms that I shouldn't even think about sending her off alone," he stated monotonously. Seiya and Haruka both had to stifle a smile. They had heard Minako's declaration loud and clear even from that distance, and neither wanted to trade places with Yaten at this moment.

Seiya scratched his head mischievously. He was aware that he could soon find himself in a similar situation with Usagi, but he didn't want to think about that right now. "It's all good, go with her and take care of Mina. We've got everything under control here. Just try to come back in one piece. We'll still need you," Haruka joked, to which Yaten responded with a tired grin. "I'll do my best. But I can't guarantee anything... Let me know as soon as you find Tai or Makoto. By activating the emergency plan, you also have access to all other special units. If you need anything, let me know," he said, and at that moment another scream pierced the air. Yaten closed his eyes and waited for the noise to subside, then placed his hand on the car door handle. "I'll see you later. I better go before she decides to skin me alive right here."

Haruka and Seiya watched the black transporter for a while, then Haruka patted her friend on the shoulder. "We really got lucky. I hope Serena will be more relaxed than Minako. If not, I wish you good luck in advance." Haruka received a light nudge from the dark-haired man in response. "Thanks," he muttered, "But let's start the search. The fact that we still have no trace of Tai is worrying me a bit." "Yeah, you're right... We should really hope the big guy is okay... But do you need any attention first? You look a bit battered," she asked now that the initial tension had subsided.

Seiya looked down at himself. His pants were hanging in tatters around his legs and were soaked in blood in places, but they were only small cuts and tears that had occurred when he had caught on debris and rubble. His hands were in a similar state, but he could look past that for now. His ribs were giving him a bit more trouble and restricted his breathing a little, but he could already breathe much better out here than in the ruins.

"No, I'm fine. I've been worse off before. Let's find my brother and Makoto and then get out of here," the dark-haired man waved it off.


The medical department in the Kou Tower was truly impressive to Amy. She looked at the facilities and equipment with something close to reverence. Rarely had she seen a department where everything was of such a high standard. Of course, Taiki had told her that he had hired craftsmen to remodel this floor, but she had envisioned more of a doctor's office. This far exceeded her expectations.

There were three spots for intensive medical care, three additional regular care spots, two spacious examination rooms each equipped with an ultrasound machine and an X-ray arch, and even a small operating room with all the necessary equipment. Every room was equipped with the latest technology suitable for both emergencies and routine examinations. The clean, sterile-looking white walls and precisely arranged instruments conveyed a sense of security and professionalism.

Usagi had entrusted her to a doctor who had taken over her care, and Amy had taken care of her own head wound. With a few precise stitches, she had quickly attended to it and covered it with a bandage.

She then threw on the white doctor's coat with her name neatly embroidered on it and switched to work mode. She had already seen from a distance that one of the intensive care beds was occupied and prayed as she approached that the injured person was not Taiki. Her heart beat faster, and a slight shiver ran down her spine as she approached the bed. She felt a wave of relief wash over her when she saw that it was Kakashi lying there.

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